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fear always seems to be the destroyer of beautiful things,
our beautiful thing was sewn in cobwebs and wrapped in silk.
night after night there was happiness and joy,
peace and comfort,
but tonight i sleep empty.
she's gone from my bed and I'm gone from her head.
my world wants to stop,
i want to crawl to my knees,
but birds continue to chirp and the sun continues to rise and fall.
over and over again.
when will it end?
i wish it'd screech to a halt,
i wish there wasn't air to breathe.
i can't stand this ache in my chest and i can't stand the words in my head.
there was never love, it tells me.
you were never good enough.
i can still feel the warmth of her body from under the sheets.
it tugs at my ankles,
it wants me to come.
but when i finally cave in, it's gone.
the cold prickles my feet and I'm alone.


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