Heroes spending their free time be like:

En başından başla

Midoriya: Word

All Might: I want nothing more than to uppercut directly to heaven's front door


Thirteen: You can never say "bubbles" in a threatening way

*Ten minutes later*

Nezu: Why is Snipe angrily screaming "bubbles" on the roof?


Gang Orca: You and Mt. Lady are the modern day's Romeo and Juliet

Kamui Woods: Because we're meant to be?

Gang Orca: No, it's because you two are both fucking idiots


Recovery Girl: You have no idea what I'm capable of

All Might: Don't take it personally, but I feel like I'm being threatened by a cupcake

*Five minutes later*

All Might: That's the most frightening cupcake I've ever seen


Eraserhead: Sleeping is nice, because you're not exacly dead but you're not awake either. It's a win-win situation.

Ectoplasm: It's like being dead, but without the commitment

Power Loader: A death with benefits

Midnight: An every night stand


Miss Joke: You're my addiction

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