Chapter 1

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Looking back, I can't remember who I was texting at the time, or why. I can't even remember where I was going. But what I can remember, is meeting someone who was going to rock my whole world...

"Yo Eli." My flat-mate Kayla called from the breakfast bar, a bowl of unfinished Cheerios still to be cleared away in front of her, "You going out today? It's in the news that there is a riot going down near Westminster. I don't want you to get caught in the crossfire."
I was pulling on my blue raincoat as she neared the front door to our small flat.
"Yeah. Andy is meeting me at the London Eye. He wants to look over all the places where we shared memories this past year."
"Aww. So romantic. He's a great guy."
"I know." I smiled. My boyfriend of 1 year today, had made me feel like I was one in a million. Something I'd never really felt before I'd met him.
"Just stay clear of Westminster. These riots are getting out of hand. Love you."
"Love you too. I'll see you later alright."

The wind whipped me as I walked alone down the streets of London. It was early April and the weather had only just started to warm up.
No matter how much the sun shone, the bitterness of the cold could not be thawed. I pulled my phone out my pocket as I neared Westminster. I was going to avoid the main streets- to avoid the riots. I must've been so engrossed in my phone that I hadn't noticed where I was until it happened.

My head was in my phone when he stepped towards me. He was tall, black bandana wrapped across the lower half of his face, those gorgeous emerald eyes piecing into my soul, a large hammer within his firm grasp, his mud splattered hood pulled high upon his head.
Immediately I remembered all the news that Kayla has warned me about – how they'd take your bag, your phone, anything worth any value. I did not look at him. I simply anticipated the moment as it was happening: his face against mine, flesh almost touching, how rigid his body, how close his breath. And then he said in a harsh grunt: "Put your phone away before somebody hurts you."
I simply nodded, gulping back all the fear that had build up in those few short moments and continued with my day.

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