Thunder Stom - page two

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As night fell the dim light that cast through the window was blocked. The creature moved out of its path as if it had burned it. It tred softly on the damp carpet. Once more did it check the door, yet to compelled to come out of the dark hall. The hall was the lest damaged and the creature reassured itself that it was safer in it as the walls of the rest might collapse any day now. It paced along the width of the hall. Taking a glance through one of the four doorways from time to time. It stopped and the long ears rotated with a loud shrill creak ending in a scraping noise. The audio receptor that still worked picked up the nearby sound of thunder. "J-st gr---" it walked to the end of the hall eliminated slightly by the moons light. Wood creaked as it pulled itself back onto the chair. Its white paint peeling and wood slightly rotted. It looked down at the still soaked patch in front of the chair. "At --is r--e i- -ill fl--d" It looked up at the water damaged ceiling and sighed. Its conciousness slipped away into a state of mechanical sleep.
《 ~▪︎~ 》
It awoke abruptly as a piece of rubble splintered the chair. It landed near a puddle, but before it could move away more of the ceiling fell landing on its body. It let out a robotic cry right before the building collapsed.
《 ~▪︎~ 》
It managed to pull itself out of the rubble and debris but once the sun's light cast onto the golden and withered bunny animatronic it froze. It was considered he by most who had met it so long ago. A Plushtrap Chaser by Fazbear's Entertainment that had survived years of abandonment.

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