Thunder Stom - page one

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A small flicker of light shot across the dark hall. The soft pitter patter of cloth feet on carpeted floors could scarcely be heard above the loud crash of thunder. The door creaked open letting in light from the dim lit interior of the house. The halls that now could be seen had orange, old torn wall paper, pieces hanging from the thin strips suspending them. The creature sighed and closed the door once more with a soft thud echoing through the decaying home. Water dripped steadily from the sagged ceiling. The foot steps avoided the drips and the puddles they made. The noise ended near the end of the hallway. The creak of wood filled the silent hall. Then once more the hall eliminated. Two eye shimmering in the dark soon faded back into the black.
                            《 ~▪︎~ 》
The sun glistened againt the wet grass and leaves and just in between two trees against an old run down house, the light shown brightly off a window of dirty glass.
                           《 ~▪︎~ 》
The beam of light just brushed the tips of the creature's ears. They appeared almost a golden color under all the dust that had collected over time. Wires were visible at the first joint connecting two pieces of its ear together. Its left eye missing from its socket. The head leaned even farther to the side with a metallic creak. It stopped with a jolt causing its' jaw to drop open. Its eye rolled in its socket. A distorted voice whispered. "I -m al---"

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