Chapter Three - An Old Friend

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When Obi-Wan exited the classroom, he half expected to find the entire class waiting outside to get his autograph. To his relief, most of the students had moved on to their next class. What Obi-Wan did find was Team RWBY. Their young leader Ruby Rose was barely able to contain her excitement.

Ruby: I can't believe you're at Beacon! It's so awesome to meet you in person!

Obi-Wan: The pleasure is all mine, Miss Rose. Your headmaster has informed me of you and your team.

Ruby lets out an excited squeal as Blake approached Obi-Wan.

Blake: It's good to see you again, Uncle Obi-Wan.

Upon hearing that, the other members of Team RWBY were in shock. Ruby especially was shocked.

Ruby: Uncle?! You're Uncle is Obi-Wan Kenobi?! The Obi-Wan Kenobi?!

Weiss: Get a hold of yourself, you dolt!

Ruby: But Weiss, Blake's uncle is THE Obi-Wan Kenobi! Don't you understand how awesome that is?!

Yang: Rubes is right. Having Obi-Wan Kenobi as an uncle is pretty kickass!

Blake: He's not really my uncle. He's a close friend with my parents. I've known him since I was a little girl. 

At this point, Ruby and Yang were visibly disappointed at the fact that Obi-Wan wasn't her real uncle. Weiss simply rolled her eyes while Obi-Wan smiled. 

Obi-Wan: You seem a little on edge, young Blake. 

Blake: On edge? Not at all, Uncle Obi-Wan. What gave you that idea?

Obi-Wan: I haven't seen you this tense since we fell into that nest of Grimm. 

Blake: We, Uncle Obi-Wan? If I remembered correctly, you fell into that nightmare and I rescued you. At least until my Dad had to come and save us both. 

Obi-Wan: Oh. Right. That. 

As Obi-Wan recalled that day, the seasoned Huntsman couldn't help but chuckle at the situation. 

Blake: What are you doing in Vale, Uncle Obi-Wan? You don't usually wander into these types of cities. 

Obi-Wan found himself in a predicament. He wanted to keep his mission with Ozpin as well as the threat of Salem a secret, though he didn't wish to keep secrets. But Weiss opened a window for Obi-Wan to use. 

Weiss: It's clear that a Huntsman as reputable as Obi-Wan is here for the Vytal Festival!

Obi-Wan: That is correct, Miss Schnee. Your headmaster extended an invitation for me to attend the Vytal Festival. After hearing so much of Beacon's reputation from my travels, I couldn't refuse. 

At this point, Obi-Wan managed to talk his way out of this tricky situation thanks to the mention of the Vytal Festival. Ruby then turned her attention to Obi-Wan's weapon. 

Ruby: Can you please tell me about your weapon?! It was so cool!

Obi-Wan: This old thing? 

Obi-Wan then unsheathed his Negotiator Sword presented it to Ruby. Seeing Ruby gazing upon the sword with stars in her eyes puzzled Obi-Wan. 

Ruby: That's so cool! Can it turn into a gun?!

Obi-Wan: I'm afraid not, Miss Rose. Having a feature like that would uncivilized. Though my Dust attachment does give this old blade a nice kick. 

As Obi-Wan discussed the mechanics of the Negotiator to Team RWBY, a fight had broken out outside. Everyone gathered to see Winter Schnee fighting Qrow Branwen. The fight was interrupted by James Ironwood. As Ruby excitedly greeted her Uncle, Obi-Wan approached him. 

Obi-Wan: So you must be the illustrious Qrow Branwen?

Qrow: And you must be the equally illustrious Obi-Wan Kenobi. So Oz managed to get you here? Not bad. 

Qrow then pulls out his flask and takes a sip. Not too long later, Ozpin and Goodwitch entered the courtyard and defused the situation. 

Ozpin: Qrow Branwen! How pleasant of you to join us! And I've seen that you've met Obi-Wan. 

Qrow: So it seems. 

Ozpin: Might we have a word in private? 

Qrow then tells his niece goodbye as he follows Ozpin and Goodwitch with Ironwood and Winter following shortly after. 

Qrow: C'mon Negotiator! I'm sure old Oz is gonna want to have a word with you as well.

Obi-Wan: I'll be there shortly. 

Obi-Wan then turned to Blake along with the rest of Team RWBY as he sheathed the Negotiator. 

Obi-Wan: I'm afraid I must be going. But it was a pleasure to meet you, Team RWBY. I certainly hope we can work together in the future. 

Blake: How long will you be staying?

Obi-Wan: I haven't decided on that yet. The Vytal Festival will certainly keep me in Vale for a good while. Perhaps my duties will further extend my stay in Vale should it come to that. 

Blake: It was good seeing you again, Uncle Obi-Wan. 

Obi-Wan: The feeling is mutal, young Blake. 

Blake then hugged Obi-Wan as the illustrious Huntsman bid goodbye to both Blake and the rest of Team RWBY. After that, Obi-Wan soon joined Ozpin's group as they began walking to his private office. Obi-Wan was deeply troubled by the increased presence of the Atlesian Military. 

Obi-Wan: This is far too many Atlas soldiers for my liking, General Ironwood. 

Ironwood: This is for the protection of Vale for the Vytal Festival. 

Obi-Wan: Perhaps you should have wait to see what information Qrow brought from his mission before coming to that conclusion, General. 

It became clear to the group that there was animosity to Obi-Wan and Ironwood. Despite this, Obi-Wan was willing to work with Ironwood and the Atlesian Military for the time being in light of the threat that Salem posed to the kingdoms of Remnant. 

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