Chapter Seven

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The moment Alex's alarm clock went off, she bounced out of bed and rushed down in the kitchen. She almost knocked John over, who had been on his way to wake her up but he managed to keep his balance, grabbing hold of the wall to steady himself.  Preparing a tray, she poured coffee from the pot into a cup and placed a pot of sugar and a small jar of milk beside it. Without answering her dad's confused looks, she headed back upstairs and towards the guest room. 

Sherlock had managed to get to sleep at about 3 o’clock, unable to turn his brain off for hours until he finally gave up with trying and just fell asleep reading a few emails on his phone. Once he had gotten to sleep it was fairly peaceful, only waking up once to go to the toilet, which he only found by pure luck. 

John gave a small sigh and followed his daughter, who was now knocking on the guest room and asking loudly "Dad, you awake?" 

Checking his watch, John sighed again knowing that he had ten to fifteen minutes before he'd have to drag Alex away from Sherlock so she could prepare for school and still eat breakfast. 

At first Sherlock continued to sleep, ignoring the shouting but when the knocking continued but even louder than before, he sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes so he looked more respectable. “Come in.” He replied once he had run a hand through his hair.

Alex bounded into the room, placing the tray in Sherlock's lap with a large grin.

“Morning.” Sherlock muttered still half asleep. He wasn’t one for waking up straight away and being wide awake. “Thanks... for this.” Sherlock said, smiling at Alex. He wasn’t sure how to react around her and it unnerved him slightly. He was so used to knowing exactly how to act around people to gain their respect or to manipulate them but he just couldn’t find it in him to act normal and natural around Alex. 

Alex smiled before she frowned and turned to look at John, who stood in the door way. Sighing, Alex wraped her thin arms around Sherlock's neck in a hug and presseed a kiss to his cheek. "I've got to go get ready for school. You promised to be here when I get back. "

“Urm...” Sherlock muttered as soon as Alex wraped her arm around him. He didn’t know what to do. Should he tell her that he doesn’t do hugs? That he won’t be like John, all loving and caring? But he knew that would break her heart. It was obvious that she had been waiting a long time to meet him so he couldn’t let her down. “Of course I will be here. As long as I don’t get a call from the yard.”

"Great!" Alex beamed, not noticing - or at least not commenting on - Sherlock's hesitation. 

She almost bumped into John again as she exited the room in the same whirlwind fashion. John frowned after his daughter, who was normally such a moody little thing in the mornings when she had plenty of sleep. Right now, she should be only grunting replies and glaring at anything John does. 

It just shows how much she's been wanting to meet Sherlock... 

Sherlock got off of the bed as soon as Alex left the room. He had slept in his full suit minus the jacket, coat and scarf, not wanting to be in an awkward position if someone walked in when he was sleeping. He quickly swallowed down the coffee which was now lukewarm. Then he brushed down his clothes, trying to remove any wrinkles that appeared while he was sleeping before putting on the remainder of his clothes and heading downstairs. 

John felt wrong for feeling jealous of Sherlock. It made sense that Alex would be giving Sherlock more attention and such, of course. It wasn't even that he was jealous of it. It was the way Alex was all smiles this morning. John had always tried to find a way to get the girl to smile when she was in one of her morning moods. Nothing he did worked. And now Sherlock was here, his presence alone made her smile.

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