*hysterical laughter*

Start from the beginning

Dumbledore looked to Professor, "Severus if you would."

Professor Snape dropped three drops onto a spoon and handed to Maxima and she took it into her hands, "I wonder if it tastes like it was described," Maxima put it into her mouth and swallowed. She opened her mouth mockingly to show she did as such. It was like watery except there a hint of citrus, very faint. It felt...floaty, like she moved her bangs out of the way, "Definitely like the books."

Professor Snape raised an eyebrow, "Which...is?"

Maxima moved her tongue around, "Well, the book which describes it is Book no." She paused, "four. Which was this year." Maxima tilted her head, "Veritaseruem is powerful enough to make Tom spill his secrets. But that isn't true, is it? Two things can stop it, the antidote, of course, and Occulemency. It's like water but a little citrus-ey. Makes you feel all floaty."

Professor tilted his head and Dumbledore took on the questioning, "Who are you?" 

Maxima did a small jiggle in her seat, "That depends really on the person talking to me or what they want. To you, for now, I suppose, a stranger." 

Professor Snape could be seen hiding a smirk and Professor McGonagall coughed as Dumbledore tilted his head in assent. "What is your name then?"

"Maxima Aurelia King."

Professor McGonagall asked, "How old are you?" 

"I'll turn 15 this year. November 10th" 

Professor Snape folded his arms, "You said you were from a different world, how is that possible?" 

Maxima shook her head, "I.." she bit her lip, did she know. Her throat felt knotty like it was twisting. Must be the truth potion, "I don't know for sure." Maxima didn't like the fact her voice was wavering, she took a breath. "I have a feeling it has to do something with my tattoo"

Dumbledore looked intrigued, "Tattoo?"

Maxima nodded, "It appeared when I was young, my parents thought I went out in a fit of rebellion to get it but I didn't. I didn't even know what tattoos were back then. It's a compass with flowers. When," Maxima looked towards Poseidon, "we were falling, it startled feeling cool. Like cold water."

Dumbledore nodded, "I see. You mentioned books, which means in your world we must be fictional?" Maxima nodded. Dumbledore continued, "Do you recognise this?" Dumbledore shifts a piece of parchment. It looked like one of Hogwart's letter but it wasn't exactly like it. The edges held a soft design she often saw in her dreams or least what she thought were her dreams. The soft twists. The jagged edges. And the main thing, the compass. 

Maxima breathed out a soft 'yes' as her hands moved toward it, "At least, parts of it."

Dumbledore gave the letter to Maxima who opened it, it read:

My  darling daughter, 

If you are reading this then you are an Ink Traveler. I'm sorry we had to send you away. We, as Ink Travelers, we are being hunted. The dark magic, not the one you will encounter but truly dark, the corrupted. We are leaving you with two people, who seem so wonderful. I can only hope that they provide you with the love we could not. Our time here is short. We have little to no strength, and every day we get just a little bit weaker. Your father and I love you. Your name is indeed still, Maxima Aurelia King, isn't it quite a coincidence? 

Your father, Mathew, says I am being too coddling, but you will be my child always. My darling daughter, my little queen, rule your world. Explore, do whatever your heart desires. Times will be tough. Time will be easy. Do what you can. I was not a wixen but your father was. I was a simple sea-water mermaid(There is a difference, do look into my culture?). There is a spell that can turn you human and vice-versa. I shall enclose it below. (Haven't you wondered why you love water so much? It's because of me my dear. Although I quite like fire and your father water. Aren't we a pair?) 

Oh my, Queen, I'm sorry if you have to go through bad things because of the people we placed you with. We were on the run and the Ink Travelers (Which is your father if you are wondering, I was just a companion he brought along. But that is a love story which spans years and years. We fought and bickered quite a lot! If you can imagine, but never something that hurt the other, it was...flirting now that I think about it.) are few. It is something that is not passed on but happens randomly yet your father was convinced that you will gain the wonderful ability. 

I hope you do, I hope you see a world so wonderful and visit and explore. Your father refuses to write a letter because he doesn't think we will have to leave you, so I shall explain. Close your eyes and imagine the worlds like a river, each world is one part and that one part has many other parts, like different versions of the same thing. You, unfortunately, cannot choose the time you travel. At first, you will be confused how but then you will find your way. 

Maxima Aurelia King, you will one day find a place that calls out to you, that draws you in. That place, that feeling is home. Stay true to it, but never think that means you have to stay there. You can leave and explore any time you any want.

My daughter, my love, my queen, We love you; never forget that.

Your loving mother,

P.S: The spell is 'forvandles til'

Maxima clutched the letter to her chest, "My parents were Matthew and Adella King. They loved me and my family didn't leave me." Maxima hunched over, hiding the letter from the world as she took shuddering breaths.

Saying those words aloud, made Maxima want to cry. It solidified, in a way. She didn't belong there, in that drab world with...a lot of books...that world's thing must have been books. Either way, she wasn't from there. She wasn't destined to be like the people who raised her.

Maxima straightened and smiled, Professor Snape looked concerned and Professor McGonagall looked nostalgic as if she was thinking about her father. Dumbledore's eyes seemed to twinkle. He slid another letter forward, this letter though, was the Hogwarts letter, "It seemed you were destined to go here, this appeared a few years back."

Maxima folded her mother's letter and grabbed the letter tentatively. It was Hogwart's first-year letter. She...had magic. "I...I'm not a freak." she grinned and looked up, "Well, Professor I hope I can join next year?"

Professor Snape cut in, "If you can catch up."

Maxima nodded and Professor McGonagall spoke, "You can try, you will need to select your third-year electives as well. Magic can be tricky at times."

Maxima smirked a little at that, every time someone told her that she could try, she did it just to spite them, only this time: She has more than spite as her motivator.

"I don't try professor, I do."

Professor McGonagall must've liked that answer for she smiled, "Well then, shall we get to it?"

Maxima nodded and smiled.


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Laugh Loud and Be Proud

Word Count: 1839 words

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