Surprisingly though, she smiled at us and began sweet talking Blaise.

"Why is he only speaking to you?" She said through gritted teeth. Blaise shrugged and mumbled something along the lines of 'I don't know. ask him yourself'. Pansy's eyes narrowed, though her dangerous smile didn't falter.


I didn't look at her. I didn't want to acknowledge her presence. I just began playing with the cuffs of my sleeves while she tried to get my attention again.


I picked at my nails.

"DRACO!" she wailed. "TALK TO ME! I'M SORRY!" I looked at her utterly despaired face before spitting a few words out.

"Took you long enough, asshole."


I sat against a tree, watching the wind make the lake ripple and splatter. The sound whistled throughout the grounds, having a weird calming effect on me. I should come here more often.

I stared off into space before I heard footsteps behind me, breaking twigs and crushing leaves. A boy with raven hair and dorky round glasses sat right next to me, a huge grin spreading across his face.

"Hello, Harry. How did you even know I was here?" I asked softly, my head lowering onto his shoulder. He was wearing a thick, knitted jumper. It was almost like an itchy pillow.

"I have my ways," Harry says through a smile. I glanced suspiciously at him. "How've you been? Is your silent treatment finished?"

"I've been fine. Yes, the silent treatment is over. It did more harm than good, though. At least I got an apology out of Pansy. Definitely unexpected."

"I'm guessing she's very prideful?"

"Harry. Look at what house we're in. What do you expect? She was very hysterical, though. If that's what you're looking for." He chuckled next to me and ruffled his wavy hair.

"Not quite."

We stared off into the lake, watching the patterns of the ripples from the wind in the grass around it. I considered telling him about my incident with food, but I held my tongue. It wasn't that important anyway. I lifted my head off Harry's shoulder and looked back up at him.

"What did you do all day?" I asked, trying to get comfortable. He shifted his position so we could comfortably be closer.

"It was a quite normal day, though I was definitely peppier today. Ron and 'Mione noticed. They asked a lot of questions," he answered with a wide smile. I felt nervous butterflies fill my stomach.

"What did you tell them?" I asked

"I told them you hated me and never wanted to see me again." I reached up and flicked his forehead, expecting an actual answer.

"Okay fine. I just told them I hung out with you. Nothing too wanky," he said through giggles.

"Wanky?" I groaned. "Out of any word you could've chosen, you choose wanky?" Harry laughed loudly. I could feel his chest heaving with every inhale.

"Is my vocabulary not big enough? What else did you want me to say?"

"Anything else!"

Harry tilted his head back and let out a carefree laugh. "How did your talk go?" he asked. I stared dreamily at his handsome face while his laugh echoed in my mind. I've never heard a more beautiful sound.


"Hmm?" I questioned with a dumb smile on my face. "What- oh!" I exclaimed. My face went red and I glanced back down at my hands. "Sorry, I was daydreaming," I apologized, embarrassed.

"I'd say," Harry chuckled. "So? Was it okay?"

"Ah," I breathed. "Well, we shared a few secrets. Or at least I did."


"Took you long enough, asshole," I spat. I looked back down at my hands, preparing for Pansy to start squawking all over again. It wasn't even soothing being able to talk to her again, I was still pissed off.

She trekked towards me, her shiny shoes clacking on the stone floor. "Draco, I'm sorry. I really am!" she whined. I could hear her voice breaking as her words spilled over the red lipstick she always wore. "Look at me! Please!"

I recoiled away and gave her my best 'I'm fucking pissed right now' scowl. "If you were sorry, you wouldn't have done it in the first place," I muttered. Did she seriously not think about it for more than two seconds? I thought to myself.

Pansy stamped her foot. "That's in the past now! Besides, you were up there with him all night! It's not like it didn't work," she pouted. The corners of my lips turned down into a genuine frown. My eyebrows were furrowed, and I don't even want to think about how ugly I looked at that moment. I at least know I looked FURIOUS, considering how scared Pansy looked.

"Are you fucking kidding me? In the past? It worked?" I hissed. "Did you forget what happened just a few days ago in the bathroom? Or what about when he almost watched me jump off of the astronomy tower just weeks ago?"

The room went awfully quiet. Anxiously quiet.

"You did what?"


This might be shitty after a long hiatus, but I'm just trying to kickstart myself back up. Thank you again everybody for inspiring me to keep writing :)

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