Part 12

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-Colby-        (Fast Foward to 6pm)

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       (Fast Foward to 6pm)

I heard the doorbell ring downstairs, i guess the rest of the group came so we can all carpool.

"YO COLBY! YOUR FRIEND IS HERE!!" I heard Corey yell out

I was confused, it was only 6... Either way, i headed downstairs to go see her and drag her out of those evil people

"She's in the kitchen" Corey said as i passed by him.

I nodded and headed towards the kitchen

"Hey" I said as i walked up to her

"Let's go to my room"

She nodded and we made our way towards my room


"Wanna smoke some weed?" I asked Y/N

"Fuck it, one won't hurt! We're gonna be eating and laughing a lot tonight" She said as she smiled

"Light it up Brock!" She said as she held her blunt in between her fingers

"Wait, sit back down! I wanna take a picture of you like that" she said as she took the picture of me holding 2 lighters


"Yo! Let's go!" I heard Jake yell from the stairwell

"Oh shit, we gotta goooo! I forgot we're gonna go out to eat!" I said as i laughed

"Wait for me Colby!"

"I haven't even moved from the couch!"

"Oh, i thought you left..." She said as she started laughing

" She said as she started laughing

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We all gathered 2 tables so we can all fit and eat together.

We all took turns to order our food and drinks. After everyone was done, Kat made a comment

"Gross, you guys smell like weed" Kat said, making Tara agree with her

"Suck it up princess" Y/N said as she gave her a smile

"I don't know why you brought her" Devyn replied

"Yeah man, it was just suppose to be us only. You don't see us invited someone else" Jake butted in

"Guys! Let's not start this! Let's just have a normal night" Corey said as everyone went quite

Me and Y/N just giggled since we were both high and we found  everything funny


"Are you gonna eat that?" I asked Colby as he was eating his burger and not his fries

"Um yes! But you can have some" He said as he slid his plate towards me

"Being high makes you eat a lot and i love that" I said as he began to laugh

"Honestly, me too! i just like being high in general" He said as he took another bite of his burger

I was going to keep talking to Colby until Tara started speaking, mentioning my name, making me role my eyes

"So... Y/N... How long have you been into drugs?" She said as she crossed her arms

"I'm not into drugs anymore. I only smoke when i want to or when Colby offers" I replied giving her a straight look

"You do know we don't like you right?" She added

"The door is right there, you could've walked out of here when we arrived" I replied as i gave her the finger

"Just know that you will never be part of this friend group" Devyn said as she pointed her finger at me

"Dang, that's sad..." I said with a pouty look

"I was looking forward to being best friends with all of you!!!" I said hinting the sarcasm 

"Ha! Ha! I don't care if i won't be a part of your little group. I'm only here for Colby and Colby only" I said as i sipped on my drink

Agh, sorry i've been posting so slooowww.... i just keep forgetting to post on here tbh....

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