Part 47

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Everyone is out, even my girlfriend. She went out with Katrina and Tara, so it was just me and Devyn here at the house.

"Colby! Come eat! The food is here!" She yelled out

"Coming!!" I said as i put on a shirt and headed downstairs

"Thanks for ordering" i said as i sat across from her on the dinner table

"Are you okay? You look so out of it today" she said as she stared at me

It took me by  surprise but i nodded, telling her that i was fine

"I hope you know that im here if you need to talk" she spoke again as i looked up at her

I nodded

"Yeah, thanks" i said as i gave her a smile


After i was done eating, i headed back to my room. Went to go sit on my balcony, enjoying the cool breeze and the sunset. I opened twitter to tweet something out but something else caught my attention. A fan account who literally just talks a lot of  crap about me. I literally saw one on IG the other day and now there's one on twitter. I clicked on the profile and just read every tweet.

"Colby is literally so boring"

"Colby and Y/N?? Does she not know how un attractive he is??"

"Ew he wears eye liner in his photoshoots"

"He should really just go away, i bet no one will know lol"

Literally after reading that tweet, i felt empty... i looked up at the sky and felt tears running down my cheeks.

"I. Don't. Wanna. Be. Here. Anymore." I said as my voice was getting shaky

I left the balcony and went to grab my car keys. I headed out and made my way to my car. I had no idea where i was heading, but i wanted to drive around and just blast music.
Tears were streaming down my face, i just wiped them away but there was no point. I kept crying to the point where i couldn't see the road cause of how much i was crying. I pulled over to some gas station and turned off my car.

I continued to cry, to let everything out. I'm just so broken, it just doesn't even make any sense. Why does everyone hate me? What the fuck did i do to deserve this?? I hate this so much.
I decided to just go home, trying not to cry. But every tweet i read is stuck in my head. Before leaving the gas station, i called Devyn

"Hello?" She said

"H-hey Devyn. Can y-you come get me? Just Uber to me and drive for me" i said as i kept crying, with a shaky voice

"Are you okay?? What happened? Send me your location now!"

"I will, just don't tell Y/N please" i said as i hung up and sent her my location

30 min later and i see Devyn walking to my car. I opened the door and let her in as i walked to the passenger side

"Are you okay? What's going on?" She asked me as i closed the door

I didn't answer her. I stayed quiet.

"Why did you come here?? Literally 30 min away from the house" she said as she drove off onto the road

"I stopped here cause i was crying. I couldn't see anything. It was just blurry cause of my tears" i said

"I wanna die Devyn" i added as she hit the breaks hard


She continued to drive but i didn't say anything. I realized i had a small pill in the car.

"Hey, there's a little bag on the side of the door. Can you pass it to me?"  I asked her as she reached down

"Only if you tell me why you want to die Colby" she said as she stopped at a red light

"I was kidding.. i was having a moment" i lied as i smiled at her

"Don't ever, EVER joke around with death" she said as she gave me the little baggy

"Thanks" i said as i opened it

"Is that tic tak? Can i have one?" She asked

"Trust me, you wouldn't want one" i said as i took a "tic tak"

"NO! Are those drugs?? As in pills?? What is it? Xanax??" She said as she panicked

"Oh my gosh! Im driving and there are drugs in the car! Oh my gosh!!" She said as she went into the highway

"Chill! They're gone now anyway" i said as i laughed

She didn't say anything for the rest of the car ride, it was dead silent.


"Thanks for picking me up" i said as i opened the door to the house. She closed it and i took off my shoes as she did the same.

She gave me a hug and said

"I really hope you're okay Colby. If you're thinking about death, please don't leave us" she said as i hugged her back

"Please don't tell Y/N about tonight" i said as i let go of her


OKAY BUT LIKE- i really like this chapter!! Also, i finally posted!! I hope everyone is doing great!!

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