"Hey kid, you listening?" Recovery Girl asked, snapping him out of his thoughts of escape. When he shook his head slowly side to side, she sighed. " I was saying that there's someone from the police here that would like to ask you some questions." 'Well shit' he thought, he was going to have to make his escape now or never. Planning on making his way to the window, he felt a sharp pain in his chest as he tried to move. He then didn't get the chance to move again as the door opened, revealing a man as he walked into the room and sat down on a chair next to him.

       "Hi my name is Naomasa Tsukauchi, I'm from the police department, I'm the one who will be questioning you today. In advance I want you to know that my quirk allows me to see if you are lying or not, with that said please give me your honest answers to my questions." Izuku nodded sadly, knowing that his chance to escape before being questioned was ruined. "Alright let's start with something easy, what's your name and age kid"

       "Izuku Midoriya, fourteen years old" he replied. True.
"Ok, are you the vigilante kizuato?"
"Yes." True.
"Are you the same demi human that appeared in Musutafu six years ago?"
"Yes." True.
"How long have you been a vigilante for?"
"About... maybe 7 years? At least trying to go after someone specific for about a year, not really being know to other people, until a few years later." True.
"When you were seven years old? Where were your parents kid?"
" I don't know, I've asking that question myself for years too." False.
"Kid tell me the truth."
"Ok fine, I know where they are, just not if they're alive or not. They're outside the wall, like most of the demi humans like me." he said angrily. True.
"Whatever." He spat knowing that people like him were probably responsible for it and if they weren't, they still tried to hunt him down and offered a bounty for his head.

After a few more questions the man then finally left his room. With that seeing as no one was watching him right now and eraser was asleep, he quietly made his way to the window and opened it without a sound. He then looked back at the room and thought he should probably leave a note at least for them to know that he had left. With that he left the room out the window and dropped down to the ground. He groaned as he hit the floor harder then he meant to, the drop was higher than he thought, he was on the second, maybe third floor after all. He usually would be able to do that no problem but now with his injuries, it was a lot harder. As he looked up to the building he was surprised, what he saw was the building that he had been wanting to go to his entire life, UA. It was right in front of him, he had already been in it! "Maybe I should've stayed in there longer" he thought be then shook his head. "No I need to get home as soon as I can, I'm sure that Shinso is waiting for me and I'm tired as hell". As he was leaving he could swear that he heard someone call out his name, he only smiled and continued on his way home, getting ready to be met with his angry purple haired friend.

As he made his way to his front door he started regretting his decisions, maybe he could just send him a text that he was ok and hide for awhile till he calms down a little. 'No, that will only make him more mad' he thought. He'll just have to get enough courage to knock on the door. Fighting villains, easy. Dealing with an angry Shinso, terrifying, he'd much rather go through all the pain he had when his quirk was forced out of him. He sighed as he gathered up as much courage he could muster and knocked on the door. He heard some banging inside and then stomping which made its way over, closer and closer to the door. 'I'm dead' he thought as his body started to turn away, his vigilante instincts kicking in. Then the door flew open and he was met with something he didn't expect, he was ensnared in a tight hug. Shinso nearly had jumped on the injured boy and with his momentum, it sent both of the boys to the ground. As Izuku hit the ground, a groan escaped his lips which the other heard. Shinso pushed himself up, hands to each side of the green haired boy's head, still on top of him.

"You're hurt! I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking, I was just so worried and then I saw you there at the door, I couldn't stop myself" he said with embarrassment. He then only heard the other laughing, he too then joined and they we there just laughing like idiots. After awhile they finally calmed down and looked at each other realizing the position they both were in. Shinso quickly jumped off of him, is face feeling as hot of the sun. He then looked at Izuku and saw that he was as red as him. 'Cute' he thought, looking at him with his hands up to his face trying to hide it.

"We s-should probably h-head inside huh." Izuku said still a blushing mess, trying to act normal but failing.

"Yeah we probably should, we should also tend to your wounds since the opened up again." They both then went into the house in awkward silence. Izuku sat down on his bed as Shinso went for the medical supplies in the bathroom. By the time Shinso had gotten back to his room, the other was almost half asleep, in the middle of a yawn. He then looked up to Shinso and said sorry.

"I guess Recovery Girl's quirk took more out of me then I thought." He said as he yawned again, tears starting to form in his eyes from how tired he was.

"Ok I'll try to be quick then, then I'll head back to my house."

"No, you should just stay here, it's late out. Plus I need help with my bandages, it would just be easier than you going back and forth from your house and mine."

"Are you sure? Then I'll make breakfast in the morning, as a thank you."

"Ooh yes! Toshi's cooking is the best!" he said as he smiled tiredly. Shinso just laughed and continued with his work. After his was done he put the medical stuff away and was about to leave so he could find some blankets to lay on the ground. After all, this used to be a abandoned building so it was pretty small and Izuku didn't have enough money to buy a couch nor could he find one in good enough shape at the dump. He did find someone who was going to take their old bed to the dump however. He then asked them if he could take it and they said yes, they were even nice enough to drive it to his house for him. When Izuku saw what he was doing he grabbed his arm. "No way am I letting you take the floor after you've helped me this much, you are also my guest. You can lay with me up on the bed, it's just big enough for the both of us, sure a bit cramped but better than sleeping on the floor right?"

"I guess you're right, thank you" he said climbing into the bed with him. He really wasn't kidding when he said it would be a bit cramped. They were almost touching, leaving enough space in between them so they wouldn't fall off but close enough to almost feel each other's warmth beside each other. 'How am I supposed to sleep like this?' Shinso thought. He looked over to Izuku to see him already asleep, with a dopey look on his face mumbling about something. He couldn't help but laugh, quietly of course, he didn't want to wake the other. He then turned his back to him, seeing if that would be easier for him to sleep. With no luck, his thoughts swirling in his head keeping him up, he let his thoughts take over his mind instead of trying to block them out trying to sleep. Somehow in his thoughts he suddenly had the urge to snuggle with Izuku. He had seen many movies or comics where the couple had fallen asleep while cuddling and he thought it was so cute. Shinso then realizes just how much he want to snuggle with Izuku, and turns to his other side quickly not even realizing that he was moving. Because the bed is small, he accidentally hits the others head and wakes the other up. He quickly starts apologizing and get interrupted by a half asleep Izuku who just hugs him saying "it's fine just go to sleep Hito". Shinso then also wraps his arms around him, and Shinso finally being able to find a way to fall asleep, they fall asleep together.

Kizuato, the Vigilante (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now