Part 43

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If you get bored of waiting on this one, I have made another story you can start. It is a horror/mystery and it's all my own story (my own characters and other things) so it doesn't have any my hero characters. The story is called Daylight Savings and I'd be really happy if you read it! (Might have a spooky monster and the music is pretty also spooky and fits so please listen along!) The summary is this, family goes to a Florida resort for relaxation but instead encounters a sense of loss and desperation. There's only three chapters out so far but I'm working on more. It was from another dream that I had so you already know that it's gonna be wack lol. Thanks for reading and sorry for the wait!
(Quick refresher of the last chapter since I know it's been a long time, sorry.)

Midoriya (a demi human in case it's been too long dshdbdhsbddjksn) and the rest of the school are in the middle of the sports festival. Both Midoriya and Shinso seeming to have something on their minds, Midoriya having his parents message of help from beyond the wall, Shinso's unknown. Currently Midoriya has just passed "The Fall" and has vowed to himself that he will start the change for demi humans, to give them hope.
-Shinso's POV-

       Leaving Izu I run into the mass of people trying to get through the tunnel. While I know this isn't the smartest idea, that I should probably be following what Izu is doing, I can't bring myself to talk to him. In the waiting room he didn't even seem to notice the storm of emotions inside me. It was so silly to think that everything would be fine, that after all of the years we spent together and now being together that it would change how people looked at me, how Izu looked at me. He didn't even ask me for help with his parents, just deciding to go on a suicide mission by himself. Why not ask me, I've always been there for him since the beginning, since he was just a random stranger with a questionable background. Since the first day I met Izu, suddenly falling into my life, quite literally because he fell of the roof, I was there. I was there to help him to recover, to help hide his identity, or simply to hang out with him. I've known him for nearly eight years already, we've been through our ups and downs, sometimes getting into fights over things and almost ending our friendship. Most of the fights we'd get into was about his safety and his work as vigilante, but it never lasted long because I could never stay mad at him for too long. But not even after all this time, he'd never ask for help, always giving instead of taking anything. He practically saved my life, helping me and my family yet he wouldn't let me help with anything. Before I met him I was so focused, no obsessed on being perfect. Being perfect meant finally getting my moms smile which had my love starved self ecstatic. It meant her talking to me and my dad would actually look my way, noticing my achievements. Failing meant that I would be met with her disgusted stares again, dad's absence, the yelling, the fighting, and my dad gone again leaving mom usually hurt on the floor. Failing meant the loss of the small amount of happiness in my life. That is until Izu showed up changing all of that, whenever I make any mistakes he doesn't seem to mind, still showing his blinding smile making the darkness in my mind fade away. However even with all the training he has taught me, I still can't help feeling weak and hopeless, especially when I can see him fighting and I can't do a thing, like when that one villain drew out his power or when he fought the guy from league of villains. I wasn't strong enough and he knows that, he still treats me like a child, like we aren't the same age. I feel like he still sees me as the kid from eight years ago and he feels like he can't trust me. That must be why he didn't ask me to come along, why else if not that.

Rumbling in front of me snapped me out of my thoughts, several zero pointers blocking the path along with some 1,2, and 3 pointers. Almost immediately people from my class started attacking them, I smile seeing that Izu's training was put to good use, Izu. I shake my head, funny how a single thought of him can make me smile yet feel a pit in my stomach at the same time. I need to focus. I push myself to run, right underneath the robots Todoroki just froze, following right behind him. As he looked back he gave me a "tsk" seeing that he opened up a path for me and since I was right behind, the robots didn't crumble onto me. I just grinned back at him and he gave me an eye rollin return. What a funny guy, he could easily make me fall with some ice or block me with it but he doesn't, either doesn't think it's worth it or truly doesn't care too much. How funny would it be though, if after he declared war on Midoriya just to get beat by his student. I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, leaving the other bewildered. We both reached "the fall" at the same time, I groaned while no emotions showed on Todoroki's face. There were different platforms scattered around but big pits in the spaces between them, only being connected by a long rope. Todoroki stepped forward in front of me, deciding to use his ice to go across, seeming to have no problems unlike myself. While I have been training with Izu for quite a bit now, only recently have we actually gone out on patrols so my balance isn't good enough for me to be confident in walking across. I sigh and drop to my knees, grabbing the rope, being like a koala and I start climbing. Not too long after I can hear someone shouting, I look over expecting someone to be falling but instead see a rather interesting sight. The person that is screaming is holding onto the rope for dear life while Izu runs on their rope, flipping over them like nothing and continuing on his way. So much for the student beating Todoroki, they're both kicking my ass right now. I climb faster now so I don't fall behind, still taking a couple minutes before I'm done with this obstacle. Then I hear Present Mic come over the speakers announcing that people had already finished and their placements, Todoroki 1st, Bakugo 2nd, and Midoriya being third. This doesn't surprise me, I already know how strong the first two are and that Izu is not trying his hardest so he doesn't stand out too much.

       Coming to the last obstacle I see that it is a mine field, about twenty people in front while the rest of the pack is behind me. I look to the people before me, seeing the paths the went. I then turn to a person beside me and tap them on the shoulder, "hey do you see where a clear path is?"

       "Why would I help y-" I then have my victim go a few paces  in front of me and we start running forward. I take us the way I think is safe but just in case it's not, well that person steps on it instead. That way I can run through without any worries and move past several people. Seems that the path was correct, going all the way until the very end with no explosions. As a thanks I flick the person on the forehead, letting come back right at the finish.

       "Thanks you were a great help" I say with a grin as I see the others confusion on their face, has to be the best part of my quirk to be honest, it's so funny. I finish 14th with the other person finishing 15th looking like he's lost his mind. Once Present Mic had finished announcing the 42 people that made it, midnight voice went on.

       "The top 42 made it through to the next round. It's unfortunate, but don't worry even if you didn't make it! We've prepared other chances for you to shine." She said licking her lips then continuing with, "The real competition begins next!" She said flicking her whip to the screen again, it switching through the possibilities of the next battle. Then it stopped, landing on cavalry battle, one which depended on the place you were in. 'Shit I'm screwed, no one will want to be with me with my place and without seeing my quirk. I'll have to force people to become my teammates, whoopty do'

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