Chapter 1

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Our main character, Izuku Midoriya, looks more human than demi but has some unmistakable qualities of a demi human. He has tiny green animal ears, a fox tail that faded green into white, sharp teeth, and retractable claws.

Before every demi human was thrown out, his parents wanted to give him a better shot at life, so they had hidden his quirk when it had appeared. They didn't want their little child to go through what they had to, to discriminated against just for having a quirk that changed their appearance and gave them lots of power. They also knew something big was going to happen soon and they wanted to be prepared for anything. They are glad they did too, because they were right, though they had not thought it to be something so extreme.

As the Midoriya family is home and watching a movie together on the couch, their son (age 5) hears some yelling outside. He looks to his parents and it seems they can't hear it. He thought that must be his hearing, because of his little green fox ears he can hear twenty times better than the average person can. He then walks over to the window and sees something happening outside. "Mommy what are they doing out there?" Izuku asks his mom curiously.

"What do you mean Izu?" she asks as she turns to her husband while pausing the movie. "Honey do you know if there is some kind of event today? Now that Izu mentions it, it does sound kind of loud outside." Then they hear something shatter and a loud explosion outside. Inko runs to the window to look outside. What she sees is horrifying, she sees fires in the distance and other demi humans like herself and her family being rounded up, then she hears someone yell.

"All demi humans are to come out without resistance, or else we are allowed to take action. If there is still resistance after the first warning, we are allowed to shoot. All demi humans are to be moved outside the city as you are a danger to society. Again all demi humans are to come out now, without resistance." Inko couldn't believe her eyes. Quickly she put the curtain back over the window and turned off all the lights.

-Izuku's POV-

After mom and dad saw what was happening outside they started to panic. Mom shut the curtains and started turning everything off as dad ran to our rooms and started packing things up. "Mommy what's going on, I don't understand. Why are you turning everything off? Why is dad packing everything up?" I asked as I started to tremble. I've never seen my parents act this way and even though I didn't know what was going on, I knew it had to be serious.

"Sweetie, um, well me and your father have to go. We have to listen to the people outside ok? Do you remember the cabin that we'd go to in the summer? You're going to be staying there for awhile ok? Now go into your room and help your dad"

"Ok mom" I said as I ran over to my father, not fully understanding what my mom said. She must have misspoke, of course they are coming with me up to the cabin. We would always go there together, we go everywhere together, right? "Hey dad, do you need any help?" I asked as he was flinging stuff around, like he was looking for something. He stopped when he heard my voice and turned to me. He had such a sad look in his eyes that I couldn't understand.

"No I'm fine Izu, just make sure you go to your room and pack everything important, and make it fast." I nodded my head as I ran to my room. I grabbed some clothes, bathroom stuff, and a few toys being happy that we were going to the cabin earlier than usual. I also was getting worried at how much louder the noise was getting, whatever's happening outside must be getting closer. My parents then burst into my room and gave me a hug. After awhile my mom and dad pulled away and my mom spoke up.

"Ok Izu, now you have a very important hero mission ok?" I jumped up and down, my mom knows how much I love doing the hero missions that she makes for me. After I complete them she gives me a treat or hero merch depending on the difficulty of the mission. I'm good at doing mission and they make my parents happy as well. My mom continues, "It's one that requires stealth and speed. Your mission is to get to the cabin without getting spotted or caught by anyone. Make it there as fast as you can and don't look back alright?" My first thought was that 'I don't like this mission'. It was very different than the other missions I've done before.

"Wait you guys are coming with me right? I don't like this mission, it sounds weird." My parents sigh, then my dad continues.

"No, I'm sorry Izu, we can't go with you. Our quirks are already known, they already know that me and your mother are demi humans. You status is quirkless, that way you are safe but there still might be people who are going to look for you. That's why you need to complete your mission and go to the cabin, to stay safe."

"No! I don't want to go without you! Why can't you come too, why can't we all go! I don't want to do the mission, I can't!" I said as I started crying.

"Son, there are times when a hero doesn't want to do their missions either, but they do anyways, do you want to know why?" He said as I asked why. "Because that's what makes them a hero, they do things that they don't want to do sometimes, or when the situation looks hopeless. They still push on and save people, and they do this again and again because that is what a hero does." My dad said as my mom also started crying. "Now be a hero, our hero, ok kid? Now go out the back door, and run. Here take this and make us proud." He said as he handed me a photo of all of us and my mom gave me her necklace which had our names and birthstones on it.
"Now GO!"

(Yay this will be the end of the flashback, next episode will be in present time where it will be a year before he can take the UA entrance exams. Hope you enjoyed!)

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