Charpter 5

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Vanoss pov:

Anger boiled in my veins.

"Meeting now." I grolwed. We all went into the meeting room.

"I want to go tomorrow. " Brock suggested. I nodded and ran my hands through my hair.

"All of us go all in. Take everyone out. Lui and criag be the get away drivers. Marcel and 407 are snipers. That's all I have." I said and sat down. Everyone nodded.

"What time tomorrow?" Tyler asked. I looked ar the time right now. It was 7:30. So we have today to train and then all tomorrow. Tomorrow we could leave at midnight.

"We have today and tomorrow to train and prepare. Just pray that they won't do anything to denis."

Delirious pov:

"Boss we have a surprise!" One guy yelled. I have been in a bag for the last few hours. My head hurt. I was grabbed by my hood and held in the air. I was in a room with all concrete. Like an observation room.

"Fuck you. " I grolwed and struggled agaist his grip. Someone grabbed my chin and forced me to look at me.

"I know your with the BBS. Tell me how to get to them." He ordered. I shook my head and spit at his face. He looked grossed out. I smirked and crossed my arms.

"Tie the guy up and we will ask further questions. Call me Liam. And that's my second in command, James." The guy liam said and left. I was tied to the chair and left. Fuck! They cant come for me.

I dont deserve to be saved. I betrayed them. I almost killed them. So this is just a favor. I closed my eyes and thought of a way to get out.

"We are back!" Liam exclaimed sliding into the room. I didnt say anything.

"If you get to talk to them tell them not to come for me. I don't deserve them. " I said quickly.

"For a kid you have quite the vocabulary. Are you sure you arent delirious? The one guy who was kicked out 3 years ago?" He asked. My eyes widened and I struggled agaist the ropes frantically.

"Hoe the fuck did you know?" I asked in a cold voice. Liam chuckled.

"You killed so many of my men. And the tattoos on your neck and wrist are the same you had when you kill all my men. " he said pointing at my tattoos.

The one on my neck was the one me and vanoss got together. Vanoss had a yin and I had a yang. We were close back then. The one one my wrist was a hockey mask with water around it. Me.

"I dont know you got this way but it would be cruel even for me to hurt a child. So I can just wait for the potion to wear off and then torture you." Liam said licking his lips. It sent shivers down my spine.

"Your sick." I growled. Liam chuckled and got up.

"Let's hope you dont go insane through the night. Oh wait you are insane." James chuckled before closing the door. The only light was under the door. I really want to get out of here but I dont want them to save me.

I dont deserve it. I dont. I'm selfish and insane. I deserve to die. I almost killed them and I cant change that. Good memories were made but I cant change what I did. The zoomers destroyed my relationship. I want revenge so badly but I cant. I'm stuck in a baby's form, tied to a chair. I cant scream no one will hear me, this is a nightmare. It's only the beginning. He knows and he can tell them. If he does there will be no way of getting them to even look to me. This is hell.

Next morning:

I opened my eyes and saw the same exact room. I was still tied to the chair. Nothing changed. The door opened and it revealed the clever Liam.

"Wakey wakey!" He yelled in a sweet voice. I rolled my eyes and grolwed.

"Someone needs a nap." James rolled his eyes. I smirked and laughed.

"Someone needs a knife to the face." I shot back. Both look scared and disgusted.

"So tell me about the BBS." Liam ordered. I shook my head and smiled a fake smile.

"What's to say? They were the gang I went to high school with." I shrugged. Laim ran his hands through his head.

"What is there full names. Private information. Ways to get in their heads." James gave a few examples. I nodded my head agreeing to the examples.

"First name, banana. Middle name, bus. Last name, squad." I giggled. Laim grilwed and slapped my cheek.

"Enough games tell me or your dead." He threatened. I started to laugh like a maniac. I laugh in the face of danger.

"Thanks for granting my wish." I cheered in sarcasm. Liam yelled in frustration.

"Your acting like a stupid 3 year old!"

"Technically I am."

"Shut up."

"You shuch up!"

"Tell me or I'll tell them your secret."

"I dont deserve them so it really doesn't matter. They hate me. I'm not apart of the gang."

"Boo hoo."

"Yep. You know you kidnapped the wrong person to get answers from."

"Yea I realize that now!"

"Salty much?..."

Liam pushed my chair backwards so I crashed to the ground laying on my side. I hit my head again and felt the blood flow again. Not as much. I'm so good at getting hurt. I forgot that baby's heads were soft.

Both left and I'm guessing it's around late afternoon cause I slept a lot. I sighed and closed my eyes. I just have to wait till the potion wears off and I can fight my way out.

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