Tying Up Lose Ends

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'No doubt, now that you are aware that you have grandchildren by me, you want to apologise, maybe say you did not mean what you said that morning,' Erica looked up,

'I didn't mean what I said, I was just upset at losing my son,' Sang shook her head at Erica,

'I don't believe you,' Sang's words were spoken factually,

'I think you might never have said the words as cruelly as you did that morning, but deep down you never really supported the poly family your son was a part of. You thought it was a phase that Kota would grow out of. Having a 'reason' to blame me for everything was an easy release for your true feelings,'

Erica wondered to herself, is that true? Some subconscious part of herself whispered that is was true, she had wanted Kota to find a more traditional relationship as his lifelong commitment.

Uncle hung his head, he hadn't tried to deny his true feelings though they did cause him shame. It was hardly Sang's fault that North and Luke wanted to share their love with their team mates and one girl who'd been utterly innocent prior to meeting the boys,

'What can we do to make this better, Sang?' Uncle asked her simply,

'Right now? Nothing,' Uncle and Erica both cringed away from Sang's brutal candidness,

'With time we will make a new relationship for the sake of my children. But right now all I see is two people who told me I was their family, who promised to treat me with love and respect but when that was put to the test, they betrayed those promises,' Sang placed her palms on the table flat to hide the fact they were shaking with her repressed emotion,

'With the Blackbourne team, at least they had the excuse, however mistaken it was, that they wished to protect me. You two just were just relieved to have an excuse to be rid of me where your sons were concerned. Even now, I believe, you only sit here feeling regret because of the children and that you'd still prefer that I was not in the picture,'

'That is not true.' Uncle raised his head to meet Sang's eyes with honest intention,

'I won't deny I thought you'd eventually hurt my boys. If I'm honest, I always thought you'd leave them when you grew up as a woman,' Some part of Sang understood that Uncle, as a parent, would worry that their different life style was not sustainable into adulthood. But another part of her deeply resented being held solely accountable for what the Blackbourne team had done,

'But I could never wish that Noah and Levi weren't born. And seeing the strong woman you've become, I couldn't wish for a better mother for them,' Sang gave Uncle the tiniest of smiles for the compliment,

'I have already told the Blackbournes that I have no intention of keeping their children from them. And they have been very clear they want to be in the children's lives. But their current assignment will prevent them being near the children for probably another two years,' Uncle and Erica looked at Sang in dismay,

'That long?'

'Yes, at least that long,'

'What about us having an opportunity to see the babies?' Asked Erica in a tone of desperation,

'I'm sorry, but my new team, and so the children as well, is not able to interact physically with you until the last assignment I worked with the Blackbourne team is resolved,' when Erica opened her mouth to protest, Sang explained without remorse,

'The children's safety is at risk so there is no argument that will sway me. However, I will make the same promise to you that I made to the Blackbournes,' Both Erica and Uncle remained silent, knowing in her shoes, they'd do the same to keep their sons safe and hopeful that the gentle girl Sang had been was still an inherent part of her psyche,

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