The Dinner - Part II - Love and Putting Your Foot in Your Mouth

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Marc is above with his heterochromian eyes....


Phil asked the Tomas for a separate conversation as a diversion to give Mak and the twins some privacy. Iris and Sang were oblivious as they stared at the envelope in Mak's hand.

Iris reached out for the letter while Sang lifted eyes filled with sadness and concern to Mak. Mak gave her a smile of reassurance while Iris opened the envelope and removed the letter,

'Read it out loud, flicka,' Mak encouraged his daughter.

'To my dear daughter and her twin,

I wish I could be there with both of you right now. I prayed for the day when you both would be reunited and it is my greatest happiness to know you have achieved togetherness.

I'd like to say that it will be all sunshine and rainbows for you from here out, but that would be a lie. The fact that the two of you have found each other will cause those who've never had your best interests at heart to gun for you even harder. Believe me when I say there is so much more you have yet to learn about who you truly are and why you've been hidden from so many eyes for so long.

Your mother was too young and without the resources to protect you even had she lived but she loved you equally and it was her deepest regret that she couldn't protect you both. Sang, please do not believe for a moment that you were sacrificed or loved any less than your sister. Had it been possible, you would've been with Iris as children, as you should have been.

Now you will both need to find a way to remain in the shadows and train harder because eventually all those who have a vested interested in the pair of you will know you are together and search for you relentlessly irregardless of the measures you take to conceal yourselves. Listen to your father. Mak is there to teach and guide you both. You can trust him. Even if he is not able to or cannot tell you all you wish to know of the past. Unless Mak advises so, share none of this with anyone else. If it happens that you are fortunate enough to have truly trustworthy people in your lives, Mak will know and disclose what he is able.

Please be safe and work hard at preparing yourselves for the future. I love you both, so so much. You will each find that I have left you funds and other resources to help you with remaining hidden. Look for the details to arrive with you in the next two days.

All my love,


Iris' voice faded away as she folded the letter back into the envelope. All three were quiet for a moment before Sang spoke first,

'I'd like to disclose all of this to Phil.' Mak opened his mouth to answer but Sang quickly continued, cutting him off, 'Not here and tonight but somewhere that is secure and within the next 48 hours,' Mak considered Sang's determined expression before nodding in agreement. He had expected Sang's request based on his conversations with Iris. Dr. Roberts was probably the only person Sang trusted 100% right now, except possibly Iris. And Mak had undertaken a full due diligence on the man in advance and knew, of all the board of directors at the Academy, only Phil was definitely worthy of Sang's trust,

'I agree you can openly discuss what we know of the threats to you and Iris with Phil Roberts. In fact, it's important to have someone we can count on in the Academy boardroom. I cannot say the same for the rest of the Academy board though, älskling,' Sang nodded immediately,

'I trust no one else on the Academy board. Honestly, I suspect at least one board member is a double agent. There have been a couple of instances of leaked intel on the Blackbourne assignments in the last twelve months that could only have come from a board member.' Mak's brow wrinkled in concern, this was not a good thing. He'd need to get his hacker, Skug, short for Skugga (Shadow) on those assignment leaks asap. The quicker the board appointed inside man is isolated, the better. And definitely before the Ghost team goes live.

'And as much as I like the Toma team, I hardly know them. My experience with the Blackbourne team, who I did trust until three weeks ago is a disadvantage to the Tomas earning that trust as well. ' Sang sighed unhappily, 'Which is hardly fair to them, especially given that I am sure the motivation for the Blackbournes going rogue is tied to my safety. We can revisit this when the babies are born but for now, I don't think it's wise to read them in,' Iris nodded in agreement with her sister. Mak smirked smugly, his girls were not going to be conned by pretty faced boys. The Tomas will eventually earn their trust, but they would have to work hard for the privilege.

'Dad when you and Dr. Roberts finish the negotiations with the Academy board regarding the MC working with us on the Volto assignment, Sang and I would like your honest opinion on the various board members. We'll need to know how many plan B's we need in our back pocket depending on how at risk we are to those who will be aware of the work and location of the Ghost team,' Sang and Iris shared a look. This told Mak they'd discussed this risk at length and had already been considering how to take out 'insurance' against the perceived threat. Mak was pleased. 'Jag ska,' (I will).'

'Just to be clear,' Sang continued, 'Us three and Phil are in the circle of trust. I am trusting you, Mak at Iris' reassurance. The same as she is trusting Phil Roberts on my reassurance. You and I need to build up trust between the two of us just as Iris has been feeling out Dr Roberts to raise her own belief that he is trust worthy,' Mak was impressed Sang looked so delicate but she had a sharp intellect and understanding of the way the world worked far beyond her age. She was a worthy twin to Iris.

'Let's catch up to discuss more later,' Mak agreed taking the letter from Iris for safe keeping.

'Dr. Roberts,'Mak raised his voice to be heard across the space by the Tomas and Phil, 'You and I have another meeting to attend this evening with the directors of the Academy. I'm ready to depart when you are,' Phil nodded,

'I'm ready, let's head over to the hospital,' Mak gave Iris a hug before dropping a kiss on both twin's forehead,

'Be safe flicka, älskling. See you tomorrow,' Both girls murmured their good nights to him as the 6'5, heavily muscled and tattooed man strode across the space like the confident predator he was. He spared a warning glare for each of the Toma boys,

'Take very good care of my girls, små pojkar (little boys), I would not take it kindly if anything were to happen to them on your watch,'

Axel bristled at the implied slur to his team,
'That will not be a problem, old man. Academy always take care of our own,'

Mak gave him a twisted sarcastic grin, 'Tell that to Sang, eh?'

'Don't start, old man!' Axel responded coolly, 'We don't know why the Blackbourne team went rogue but I'd bet you ten g's it was to protect Sang not screw her over!'

'Such a shame then that they did in fact end up screwing her over,' Axel shrugged,

'I never said what they did was right or smart, only that they wouldn't have left her if they'd had all the facts.' Axel's eyes hardened, 'And when they eventually come crawling back, and we know they will, the Tomas will be the first to kick their asses,' Mak snorted,

'Not before me.' Raven barked in laughter at Mak, 'Net. (No) Tomas first, starik. (old man) Blackbourne's will come for Sang. Sang will be with us. You will be second.'

Mak grimaced and grunted at the smug Russian and irritated Toma liaison, impossible to argue with that logic. For now.

Silence filled the room for a moment after the door slammed behind Dr. Roberts and Mak. Iris and Sang shared an arch look between themselves,

'Fellas,' Iris' voice was quiet but clear, 'Pissing off my father, not smart. Pissing off my sister,' Axel and Raven swivelled their faces toward Sang's unimpressed face, 'Fucking stupid. SANG has the first right to any ass kicking of the Blackbourne team. Usurp that prerogative at your peril.'

Both girls turned and stalked toward their bedroom door, 'Please finish clearing up the dining room and kitchen, gentlemen,' were Sang's only parting words to the room.

'Chertovski ad,' (Fucking hell),' Raven muttered under his breath before stomping toward the gun maintenance room.

Axel sighed, 'What he said...'


Short chapter to finish off dinner night!

Things will start to move along a bit faster in the next couple of chapters...

Thanks for reading! ⭐️

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