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"I'm not staying here"

Mattia's POV

"Wait why?" Derek asked "I don't know, all of this seems off, like she's letting us stay here after everything" I said putting everything in my bags

"And that's because we got involved in this, forget about the past Mattia, we need to help them out, after all they are letting us stay here, plus we are all getting along too" he said sitting on the bed

"Why help them? After all they've killed our people" I rolled my eyes

"Mattia, we literally killed people part of their gang like not even a month ago, and they still decide to help us out" he said

"A couple hours after we left the house gangs went and basically tore everything up trying to find us" he added

"I don't care I'm leaving" I said grabbing my bags and walking out the room

Meliana's POV

I'm sitting on the kitchen counter enjoying some goldfish.

I'm bored, so I decided to eat.

I know our gangs can get along, Mattia's people are chill with my people, something I didn't expect to happen but yea.

Ale and Elena haven't been back but she texted me they were on their way not that long ago.

"Not gonna share?" Jayjay walked into the kitchen

"No they're mine" I said pulling the bag closer to me "fine fuck you ima make some cookies" he smiled

"Why?" I laughed "because I want some, and I'm not going to share with you" he said taking the things out

"I don't care if you share or not, I'll still get one no matter what" I smiled and looked bag at the bag of goldfish

"Woah where you going?" He said and I looked up to see Mattia holding his bags

"I'm not staying here" he said looking at me "why?" Jayjay asked

"Because he thinks we're going to use them" I smiled "for real? Use them for what?" He laughed "that's what I've been trying to figure out" I said

"If I were you I would stay here" he said "Nah I'm fine" Mattia said

"Well once you step out this house and some shit happens to you that's gonna be one you" I said getting off the counter.

"We're back! Where you going?" Elena asked walking in

"You guys took so long" jayjay smiled "we needed to lose a gang that's as after us" ale said

"Well I'm glad she's still alive without a single scratch" Manuel walked in "bitch leave!" Elena and I yelled "okay fine" he said putting his hands up in defense.

"Bye" i waved at Mattia "you're leaving? Why and where the fuck you gonna stay?" Ale asked

"I'll see where" he smiled walking out the house.

"If he died you all are going to be part of my gang you heard" I said walking out to the living room.

"Hey bitch" I messed with Alvaro's hair as I walked behind the couch.

"Hey, why'd Mattia leave?" He asked and I sat down next to him "manz thought we were going to use you guys" I laughed

"He can be like that at times" he smiled

"Fucking bitch" I said after frosting was smudged all over my face

"You got a little something on your face" Alvaro laughed "no shit you do too" I said taking some off my face and putting it on his face

"Aye aloe bring here over here!" Jayjay laughed "no get away" I smiled running of but this dumbass grabbed my waist picking me up "Alvaro put me down!" I laughed moving around

"No thank you that's what you get for putting that shit on me" he said "no ALEX!" I yelled and he came running into the kitchen

"Help" I said laughing "stop moving" jayjay said grabbing my face

"This is harassment" I said grabbing his hands to stop him from putting more frosting on my face

"That's for not giving me goldfish" he said as Alvaro grabbed my arm and let Jesus out the frosting on my face

"Dumbass you ain't gonna help me?" I said looking at Alex who had a big smile on his face

"No" he said then walked away.

Mattia's POV

I got in my car and drove off, I have no idea where I'm going to stay.

I stopped but these hills to try and think of a place to stay.

As I scrolled through my phone I got a text from Derek "and you said we wouldn't t get along" I eead the text out loud

Then I played the video he sent me of Alvaro and Jesus both putting frosting on Meliana's face "bruh my stomach hurts" she laughed "aye get me the sprinkles" Jesus smiled and Luna handed him the sprinkles

"Luna ur supposed to me helping me not them" she said trying to hit Alvaro

"Shit sorry" she said then grabbed some flour and threw it at Jesus and Alvaro. Everyone was laughing and talking.

"Ok ok I'm sorry, I'll give you goldfish just stoooopppp" Meliana said, all that for goldfish? Damn

I smiled at the video, i can't believe they are actually getting along.

"What's with the diamond snakes and the scorpions getting along?" I heard a voice then turned my head

"Thought I'd never see you again."


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