Thirty five

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(DMs between aavaa and duhitzavery)

duhitzavery: hey ava.. can we talk?

aavaa: we have nothing to talk about avery.

duhitzavery: I'm so sorry about what happened. I didn't mean it a...

aavaa: it still happened. Plus you want to steal my boyfriend. You could of told me

duhitzavery: I don't want Niall ava, never have. I was just trying to hurt you.

aavaa: well you don't do that to your supposed best friend

duhitzavery: I just want my best friend back

aavaa: well you best be searching for a new one. You made my life a living hell for 4-5 months avery. I did some terrible things to myself because of that. And now that I am happy with Niall and Marie you want to be best friends again? Not happening. I have Marie, maybe you should try to find another persons life to ruin. I hope you the best but I can't be friends with you again. Goodbye

duhitzavery: I won't do it again please . You're the only person who gets me. 

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