Meeting coach/tryouts

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I opened the door, and almost dropped my soccer bag. "General!" The Toad said "Private! Jump into the launch star, and meet me on the field!" I grabbed my bag. When I was launched, I put Mario strikers, and FIFA into my armband. I came down on the field. Coach Toad said "Alright maggots, I wanna see some hustle. First we'll do some shooting drills, then we'll work on our super strikes and mega strikes." After the laps, we worked on the mega strikes. Then it was my turn. Coach said "Hey, I bet Bowser would've won the battle of cheep cheep beach!" My blood started to boil. He'd never said anything bad about the battles before! I felt lighting course through my body and I flew up into the air. I pulled out my inzooka, loaded the ball, did a corkscrew spin, and launched the ball. The recoil was intense and I landed on the ground cleanly. The ball sailed into the back of the net, and was launched into the stratosphere! A number read 800 mph. Everyone looked at me in shock. Coach said "Welcome to the team." 

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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Asquids misadventures in Competitive Sports Book 1:Soccer!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum