5 am, nightmares, PTS, and tryouts

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The scent was thick of blood and flesh in the medic tent at the battle of cheep cheep beach. The casualties were high and the dead were many. Armed with and inkzooka, a light machine gun, Kal-Tech pump shotgun, Gauze, Tylenol, radio, eye dressings(eye patch), a field tourniquet, adhesive tape, sulfa power, and paper tags for the dead. I also had a thermometer, scissors, iodine, whiskey(in case I ran out of sulfa powder), and plaster. I heard "Medic, Medic!" I smiled, go time. I equipped a super star and ran towards the sound. LT ripper! I could tell his voice in a room of Toads!, Dododoody-do-do-do-do, I picked him up and ran back, Do-do-do-do------, the star ran out. I dove into the tent, and a bullet grazed my skin. I winced. Ripped first, me later. LT Rippers wound was a bullet to the leg. Easy fix, sulfa powder, gauze, and a shot of morphine should hold him until the medic ship arrived. I fixed him up, but realized that I forgot the powder! He said "Private, my time is now." I said, with eyes full of tears, "No I can help you!" He said "You did the best you can, I took the machine gun out! Win for me!" The cot's pillow sank in under the weight of his head. The commander came in, and said "What's with the LT?" I looked down and a tear fell down on the sand. He said "Oh." I looked out on the bloodstained battle field. I yelled "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Then a militia sneaked up behind the commander and I pushed the commander out of the way. The knife came down, and I swear I could feel it! Blood gushed out everywhere and..

I woke in a cold sweat, gasping for air. Another nightmare(where PST made up a part of it). I scratched the back of my head. I looked at the clock. 5:00 am. Mario was up stretching, and Luigi just came out of the bathroom. I asked, "What are you guys doing?" Mario replied "Soccer tryouts. Wanna come?" I said "Sure! Just let me get my uniform." I suited up in my hero suit, and put my weapons and jet pack, into my bag. Then I went to my GameCube and booted it up. I plugged my Computer into it and opened the save cartridge information. I opened up the mod, MSCG-20. After selecting the type of jersey and cleats, I selected upload. A screen popped up that said Uploading, then "error USB cable not found." I rolled my eyes, grabbed my USB cord, peeled back a park of my skull, sent Mario back to dream land, and Luigi back to the restroom. After I plugged the cable into my head, the jersey materialized over my suit. I booted up Mario strikers. The game named me a speed/power player. I printed out my stat sheet. Now I was ready! My door banged again.(Trust me, this is going to be a normal thing).

Asquids misadventures in Competitive Sports Book 1:Soccer!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ