Harry x Frost

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A/n: happens after descendants 3

Your POV
Just like your dad, you were nearly always barefoot. You loved to hang out in the woods on the edge of Auradon Prep, playing high in the trees and playing around with your ice. Also like you father, you often used a staff, but you would make it out of ice because your power came from your hands like your mother. Whenever you would get bored in the woods you would play around with making it appear and disappear, and spinning it around.

Your were one of the only people in Auradon that had powers, and who were able to use them. But nobody was scared of you. Not even the VK's, which was nice. Mind you, you didn't have much to do with them as you were either in class, your dorm or the Forrest.

It was one afternoon after a particularly boring day that you were stumbled upon by a certain person in the woods. You were sitting high on a branch, with your back against the trunk, your left leg bent up to your chest while the other one was dangling over the side. You were playing around with making snowflakes when you heard footsteps. You bought your leg up so you were squatting on the branch and looked down, while simultaneously making your staff appear in your hand.
"Wow there lass. Sorry I didn't realise there were people in here." It was a pirate. And judging by what he was holding in his hand, this is Harry Hook. You smile and stand up, before jumping (or floating with the wind) to the ground in front of him. "Well you've come to the right place." you gestured around you before sticking your hand out.
"Y/n, Y/n Frost." He accepted your hand.
"Harry. Harry Hook." You leant on your staff and smiled at him.
"So what's a fine pirate like you doing in a place like this?"
"Needed to clear my head. It's all happenin to fast and I just had to get away from everyone. This seemed like the only empty place round here."
"Fair enough."
"What's a pretty lass like you doing in a place like this?" You roll your eyes and rest the staff on your shoulder before you turn around and start walking. Harry starts walking beside you.
"I'm like my dad, and I find it comforting out here. It's also one of the only places where people don't feel weird about me being barefoot. And I can do this-" the wind suddenly pushes you up and you spin in the air. You fly above the trees and stop midair, before you start falling down. You push your powers through your hands to slow you down just before you hit the ground, and you land lightly on your feet. Harry looks at you astonished as you smile at him. And then your staff falls and wacks him in the head. You try to stifle a laugh with you hand as he rubs his head.
"I'm so sorry I forgot about that." You snort, then make your staff disappear. Soon Harry starts laughing too.
You and Harry talk for the rest of the afternoon, and he walks you back to your dorm afterwards.
"Thanks for walking me back, where's yours?"
"We haven't officially gotten ours yet, I think they have to move a bunch of people around to get us matched up properly. All I know is that Gil and I have been promised that we will be pretty close to Uma's"
"Well it was nice meeting you Frost, care to do it again sometime?"
"Love to, see you round hook." You give him a two finger salute before you open your dorm room door and leave him in the hallway. Exhausted, you plonk onto your bed and look towards the empty bed on the other side of your room. No one had been your roommate since you arrived here because of the odd number of students. Maybe I might get bunked with one of the VK's. That'd be fun. You huffed into your doona then dragged yourself up, deciding you should clean your room a little bit in case you were. After everything was reasonably ok, you sat down cross legged on your bed, unsure of what to do. All your homework was finished and you'd already read all the books you had borrowed. You looked up at the empty wall next to your door and decided to paint it. You had already painted the rest of the room with blues and whites and decided that this wall would look amazing with a big mural painting. You grabbed your sketchbook and started doing designs, you decided to do a pirate ship floating through the snowy mountains because it suited your aesthetic. You made a list of supplies you needed and quickly ran to the art storage room to grab them. Once you got back you laid the floor cover over the floor in front of the wall and set out all your supplies.

Harry Hook x Reader One shots {Happy to accept requests}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن