Start from the beginning

Xanthos stood up, broad chest expanding to strain against the material of his grey shirt. Stiff as a steel girder, he strode towards the floor to ceiling windows that led to the balcony.

His run-down looking double bedroom apartment was located at the cheapest town of Aelius. It might not have been the cleanest place but it was all Xanthos could afford at the moment and he was content to be living there.

The view from the balcony only showed the narrow streets, dirty grotty apartments and the garbage in the gutters. Or occasionally a gang fight in the street.

He wasn't interested in the view; never had been. What he was interested in was in the new information just provided to him by his friend.

"Wait... if Gideon is mated to Minerva, then does that mean Lysander and Ash are a team?" Brody posed an important question.

"I knew it" Miki gritted his teeth. "I always knew Lysander and Ash were working together and that old Zeke is intentionally misleading us by saying he has nothing to do with Ash!"

Miki had a hard time trusting people and so no one was surprised by the venom in his tone.

"If that were true, there's another possibility..." Xan murmured and his friends stopped arguing with each other and gave him full attention. "We could get Ash."

Their eyes brightened as Xan turned to face them, "Keep an eye on her— Minerva Zeke. She'll lead us somewhere."

"Please don't intentionally mess with Lysander's daughter. Anyone with eyes can see that Lysander's world revolves around his family, so I ought to tell you to be careful" Grayson suggested and Miki rolled his eyes.

"You are the one who has problems handling girls. I never did" Miki said smugly while Grayson growled.

However, Grayson's angry retort never passed his lips because the door to Xan's apartment was pushed open by Carlo, who worked as a bartender in the arena and lived in the same area.

"Did you get the message?" Carlo asked breathlessly holding up his phone prompting the others in the room to pull out their phones and open their inbox.

It had a single photo of Alex's dead body with his dick stuffed into his mouth.

"Well, that's disturbing" Miki commented as he put his phone back in his pocket.

"It's him again, isn't it? Ash?" Brody asked to no one in particular. "Did he send the body home?"

"No. The king received Alex's ashes along with this photo. That's what I heard so far!" Carlo stated grimly. "If he did this to Alex, I fear what he is going to do to Gideon?"

"Gideon? That bastard—"

"—will have to think twice before he attacks Gideon" Xan didn't let Miki finish his sentence as he broke in and affixed a firm glare on his friend.

Holding back his words yet again, Miki turned to stand in front of the window, all the while wondering why Xan prevented him from revealing Gideon's truth.

"Fingers crossed man, but I think he has also killed Gideon and is just waiting for a perfect time to drop the bomb" Carlo mused because the photo of Alex's body had gone viral and everyone had something to say about it.

"Why would Ash send the photo? He only ever sent Ashes" Brody said thoughtfully.

"Jimmy told me the photo came with a message for Ajax saying, 'I can't wait to meet you'" Carlo grimaced.

Grayson chuckled while Miki whistled impressively.

"Ash challenged Ajax?" Brody asked stunned.

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