Chapter Twenty

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Ethan couldn't get the image of Ivy's lifeless body out of his head. He had cursed his behaviour repeatedly as he'd sat next to her hospital bed waiting for her to wake.

When John Spencer had left his office, he'd been upset which was understandable considering the man had just lost his job. His idle threats towards Ethan had fallen on deaf ears and as soon as the man was no longer in his sight Ethan had forgotten all about him.

He was just one of several employees Ethan had planned to fire that day. The thought never crossed his mind that John would make good on any of his threats and that he would target Ivy.

It was a slight consolation to see him being carted off by the police in handcuffs, but by then the damage had already been done. His Ivy had been hurt.

Looking at her now, her curls shifting in the wind from the open window, her eyes shut as she soaked up the sun. He understood why she would be the one to unlock this part of him when so many others had tried and failed.

Others had pushed him to be a person he wasn't. But Ivy was different. She accepted him and didn't force him to be anything other than himself. Living with her had brought a companionship that he'd never envisioned.

"Your friends, George and Liam, does their business offer personal protection?"

Her eyes opened and turned to him, startled. "Yes. Why'd you ask? Thinking of hiring more security?"

He smirked at her challenging tone. His security was good, he paid well enough to ensure that, but he'd also researched First Defence Security Ltd, the company owned by Ivy's friends.

He'd been impressed with what they offered and some of the clients they'd already attracted. His own head of security had suggested them for after his planned retirement in a few months. Although his guards were all individually excellent he hadn't enjoyed the meeting with his proposed new head of security. It had left him wondering if he should take his business elsewhere.

"The contract I have with my current security provider is ending and the head of my personal security is retiring. Not to mention we still need to figure out something for your own security." After yesterday's events, he would not be taking any chances and was the major reason he'd instigated the conversation.

"It sounds like an idea, but I'm fine. Yesterday was a one off. I don't need some pushy bodyguards."

He looked over at her unhappy tone and inwardly groaned.

He knew she'd be difficult; it was the reason he'd chosen this conversation as a distraction from his confused feelings, but he'd still expected her to be smart about it. Did she really think something like this wouldn't happen again? Not to mention the paparazzi who'd already chased her from her apartment.

"Ivy we may have finished with the preliminary cull of incompetent staff but more people will be let go in the next few weeks if they don't prove themselves. Any number of them could be another John just waiting to happen." He didn't know how likely it was, but then he'd never believed it would happen a first time. Desperate people did foolish things when they were pushed into a corner.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Ivy fold her arms over her chest and he knew it wasn't a good sign.

"It's a million to one chance something like this." She patted the plaster on her head. "Will every happen again. I'll take extra precautions if it'll make you feel better, but I will not have people hovering over me all the time."

He found her kitten anger amusing and incredibly frustrating in equal measures.

"You never seem to mind my guards." He was thinking about his personal bodyguards; Jones, David, and Akber. Those were the three he would particularly like to poach when he left their employer's company. They were strong, dependable and smart.

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