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"All students, may I have your attention?" The voice of Miss Yoona, the Head Teacher of Samliwan Conservatory heard through the speakers of the room. We are currently having our last subject before lunch break and we were disrupted by the Head Teacher.

"Good day students of Samliwan Conservatory. Today, we will have our annual Placement Test which will decide what rank you will be in whether you stay as an Ordinary, be an Erudite, or even Elyxion. I am asking for your full cooperation to please take this test as serious as possible for this will determine your future. The result will be posted tomorrow early in the morning. I wish you good luck in your future endeavors. Thank you" She said in her monotone voice. I shook my head as our teacher handed us a paper. As soon as I got a hand on the paper, I scanned it. Somehow, confusion strikes me as I read the questions.

"Who is considered to have been the most outstanding Kings of the Choson Kingdom (1392-1910)? What type of wave is the fastest? This is too easy for a Placement test" I mumbled and looked at others, already busy answering the sheet. I just shrugged and started working on the test. I may not be the brightest student but I sure learn a thing or two from my past lessons.

After half an hour, I already finished the front page. Flipping the sheet, I noticed there is a bonus question written. A riddle.

If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven't got me. What am I?

I looked at others as they pass their paper. But what amuses me is their back page are all blank. Maybe they didn't know the answer and decided to not use up their left braincells for this ridiculous riddle.

"This is nonsense" I shook my head as I try to think of the answer.


I heard an unfamiliar voice whispered at me. I turned and saw a wide-eyed guy wearing glasses. Of course, the answer is secret.

"Yeah, I know" I replied timidly. He started walking away so I scribbled my answer quickly and passed the test. Grabbing my bag, I followed the student wearing glasses.

"Hey!" I shouted to get his attention. He stopped and turned to face to me.

"You need anything else?" He replied coldly

"How did you know the answer?" I asked, too late to realize how stupid I sounded.

"How do you not?" He said

"My name is Junmyeon" I smiled and he just stared at me, spun around and walked away.

"Hey hey wait up!" I yelled

"Don't have any friends to hang with?" He said in annoyance and still continued on walking.

"Actually I do have one. But he always comes out late. How about you? Do you have any?" I asked back and he just remained silent. We reached the cafeteria and he sat down, I did the same.

"The name is Kyungsoo" The lad said then took a bite of his sandwich. I smiled and looked around me. My eyes fell upon the unoccupied corner in the cafeteria, the table of the Elyxions. Kyungsoo followed the direction I'm looking at a sigh escaped his lips.

"Elyxions really do receive lots of privileges huh" I heard Kyungsoo uttered while eyes still fixed on the empty tables. I've always wondered what makes Elyxions different to other students. We all pay the same tuition, we took same entrance exams, yet they still receive the most treatment.

"It's quite unfair to be honest" I said

"It's not unfair. If one person can be an Elyxion, then others can as well. They just don't use their heads more. If they didn't pass the Placement Test, it's because they didn't exert more effort. To put it simply, if you want to receive special treatment, do your best and be an Elyxion" He explained pushing his glasses up then proceeded on crossing his arms.

The Gifted: ElyxionWhere stories live. Discover now