The bio

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Name: Y/N Wilson

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Hero/mercenary name: deadpool

Nicknames: goofy trashbag (Bakugo), walking tumor, regenerate degenerate, wild card, lovable dickhead, Dope-ass Fresh Prince, The merc with the mouth (many work associates), Red (Y/n), nerd (deadpool),  and The deep chocolate (ladies in vegas).

(If your wondering about the nicknames for yourself I'll explain in a bit)


likes: Science, technology, robots, reading, music, writing, movies, comics, videogames, chemistry, helping others, his friends, and singing (When he is alone)

Dislikes: Perverts (he just finds it weird), seeing innocent people get hurt, assholes, loud noises, horror movies, romantic comedies, performing confront of people, and soap operas.

Personality: Kind, shy, smart, amd helpful

Other personality:


Likes: Woman, videogames, soap operas, comics, fellow perverts, chimichangas, swords, guns, loud noises, beating up assholes, comedy, cartoons, cutting things, his friends, robots, and boobs

Dislikes: assholes, homework, seeing innocent people get hurt, vending machines, getting shot, having to regrow limbs, horror movies, science, and being responsible

Personality: Goofy, weird, funny, kind (in his own way), strange, crazy, violent, and is a pervert


Can regrow limbs

Has extremely strong healing factor

Above average speed

Above average strength

Above average intelligence

Quick reflexes

High pain tolerance

And is a incredibly good fighter

Backstory: Y/n was born quirkless. When he was 6 him and his parent's discovered that he had cancer, so you were dieing. Every doctor you went to said that it couldn't be cured. Until one day a strange man who claimed to work for the government came to your door. He said that they wanted you to be the test subject in this new experiment. He said not only would it cure you of the disease it may even give you a quirk. So obviously you agreed. But apparently that asshole lied and it turned out he wanted to turn you into a supersoldier (like wolverine). It ended up working but there was a problem. It made you crazy. So he ended up kidnapping you and killing your parents. He kept you locked in the basement with nothing but some old red pillow and some markers.

(The rest of the baxkstory will be revealed in the story)

(I don't mha or deadpool)

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