part 14

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Bela juhi get ready and goes to mall
Bela and juhi are waiting for mahir
Bela: y dis mahir didn't came till now
Juhi: gud improvement
Bela: wt
Juhi: from monkey to mahir then u will say he is my husband after sometimes
Bela: shutup juhi I'm just saying he didn't came till now
Juhi: yes
Bela: I kept crrct name for him monkey 😂 he is not on time
Juhi: arey chodo na might be in traffic he will come I dnt understand y r u so much excited to meet mahir
Bela: no nothing lyk dat
Juhi: I understood
Bela blushes
Mahir comes and taps Bela shoulder
Bela turns
Mahir: hi Bela hi juhi
Bela: arey dis much late we r waiting from last 40 mins
Mahir: Acha Baba sorry ok actually bahut traffic he isliye late hogaye
Bela: ok
Trio goes inside
They sit in place and have random talks
Mahir: Bela wt r u nxt plans
Bela: nothing just waiting for my results
Mahir: oh
Juhi: u know mahir wt bela kept name for u
Bela nods in no to juhi but juhi doesn't listen
Mahir: wt she named for me
Juhi: monkey 😂
Mahir glares to Bela
Bela : sorry
Mahir smiles
Juhi: another name also she kept for u 😂
Mahir: again wt she kept
Juhi: duffer waste fellow
Mahir again glares to Bela
Bela shooks her head down and says sorry
Mahir : it's k
Meanwhile juhi gets a call
Juhi excuses herself and attend call
Juhi come back
But mahir eyes are searching for someone
Bela: r u waiting for anyone
Mahir: no no nothing I'm just seeing
Bela: ok
Juhi: arey Sona I have to go
Bela: y wt happened
Juhi: my frnd came to city I have to meet him I'll go
Bela: I'll also come with u
Juhi: no need u ppl carryon I'll leave
Bela: ok
Juhi while leaving
Juhi: bye jiju
Mahir gets shocked
Bela glares at juhi
Mahir: wt u said
Bela: nothing
Mahir: come again
Juhi: actually when u said u r Sona frnd I thought ur boyfriend of Sona so I called jiju but Bela said that ur just her gud frnd not boyfriend
Mahir : ok
Mahir pov
If it will become true also I will be happy arey mahir wt r u dng she is ur frnd how can u even think about her
Juhi leaves
Bela : sorry from juhi side she lyk dat only she dont how speak with others
Mahir: it's k she is my saali
Bela: wt
Mahir: yes when she said me I'm her jiju then she is my saali
Bela: stop it ok she is not ur saali ur not her jiju I'm not ur... Ur.
Mahir: wt u r saying something that ur not mine continue
Bela: nothing
Mahir: arey yaar say na
Bela: I'm not ur girlfriend ok
Mahir : ok madam
Mahir smiles
Mahir: y juhi all r saying Sona to u
Bela: it's my nick name
Mahir: so should I cal lyk dat
Bela: yes u can becoz v r frnds right?
Mahir: ok Sona
Bela smiles
Mahir: ok chalo mall dekthie
Bela: Nahi yaar I'm not interested we will have random talks
Mahir: ok madam as u say
Bela: ok say about u any girlfriend
Mahir: no girlfriend
Bela: oh
Mahir: wt about u have boyfriend ?
Bela: I will not say
Mahir: arey this is to much u will not say u should say
Bela: I will say I want to say u
Mahir: ok ur wish
Bela: y u dnt have girlfriend
Mahir: u didn't said me y I have to say
Bela: ok ill say I love one person but he dnt know about my love if he ask about I'm ready now itself ( pearlvpuri 😉😍)
Mahir: oh
Bela: ok I said na u say
Mahir: I dnt lyked anyone till now I'm very busy in work and ofc so I didn't thought anytime about love marriage etc
Bela: oh k
Mahir: but my parents r trying get married as soon as possible with my family friend
Bela: ok get married
Mahir: no I don't lyk dat chipku
Bela: chipku? Who is she
Mahir: one is der in my life always she follows me she says dat she want to marry me
Bela: then marry her
Mahir: chii ! Yuck I don't lyk to see her u r saying to marry her
Bela: ok Baba leave topic
Mahir: I want to say u something which is so important
Bela: say
Mahir says about ruhi (he hides that he said about Bela is his girlfriend )
Bela: oh

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