part 11

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Bela and juhi share the room
Juhi: say Bela ur boyfriend
Bela: I dnt have any boyfriend
Juhi: to bad Bela see me and learn something
Bela:oh wts ur boyfriend name
Juhi:I don't have boyfriend
Bela: but then y u said me
Juhi: but I will follow boys u know pearlvpuri my love
Bela: oh hello he is mine understood
Juhi: he is mine
Lyk dat they both fight for pearl
After sometime they have random talks
Bela:wt about ur studies  how u wrote xams
Juhi: well gud if evaluator shows some insterset I will definitely pass
Bela smiles
Bela: wts ur nxt plan
Juhi: I want to marry nyc guy
Bela: ohhho njy see my dad he always wants to join me in business
Juhi: Acha if Bhai won't accpet him means I will runaway and marry him
Bela: I will say to jiju
Bela :jiju jiju
Juhi shuts bela mouth with her hands
Bela laughs
After sometime Bela and juhi sleep
But Bela is continuously thinking about mahir words
Bela pov
Y dat idiot said all the things to me if I see him again I'll show him wt I'm duffer ek number Ka
Bela sleeps
Nxt day morning Bela wakes up and says she want to go to temple as she want to meet summi
UV drops Bela in temple leaves to ofc
Bela asks juhi whether she will come
Juhi says she is not interested
Bela goes to temple do darshan sit silently
Summi comes to temple she sees Bela is dull
Summi: Bela wt happened y r u so dull
Bela: ntng aunty I dnt understand wts that duffer prblm
Summi: duffer? Who is dat
Bela: ek he MERI Zindagi me
Summi: kon beta mujhe bolo
Bela: I met him in Hyderabad after meeting him my life turned completely up and down everything is going reverse I don't know wt he think about himself wt get to say to says on my face he even don't know how to behave with girl
Summi: oh
Bela: wt is the use I say to me I should say his mother how his son grownup
Summi: aise Nahi he beta some will be good but due to tension in their life they will be lyk dat see my son is also lyk dat only he will be gud sometimes sometimes he will be upset becoz of pressure even some boys will be gud at home some will be bad at outside we can't say to his mom right
Bela:yes aunty u r crrcte I reacted so much it's k aunty leave about it
Summi smiles
Summi: I lyk dis only from u what ever your mood will be but u will become nrml
Bela smiles
Bela: aunty where is ur son he didn't came
Summi:he won't come to temples he won't believe in God existince
Bela: oh same lyk jiju
Summi smiles
Bela: ok aunty it's getting late I'll leave tomorrow I will meet u
Aunty tommrrow I ll meet u with my sis she is so sweet if u meet her u will definitely lyk her
Summi:ok beta
Bela smiles and leaves
Bela goes outside the temple and sees mahir car
Bela pov
I saw this car somewhere where I saw she remembers it's that monkey car I'm sure that monkey here only i will search him
Bela goes searching for mahir Bela stops
Bela pov
Y I'm searching for him lyk his girlfriend I think I'm mad now a days becoz of dis mahir I'm becoming lyk him monkey fellow
She comes to same place where mahir car is der
She sees mahir is speaking on phone
After call Bela goes to mahir and tap his shoulder
Mahir turns
Mahir gets shocked to see Bela
Mahir pov
Again she came I don't understand wts her  prblm
Bela: oh hello wt r u thinking
Mahir: wt u came near me and asking me
Bela: say sorry to me
Mahir: y should I say sorry to u
Bela: y u should have u forgot yesterday wt u said to me in mall take back ur words say me sorry
Mahir: have u lost ur mind
Bela: u lost ur mind
Mahir: pakka it's confirmed that ur mental go to psychiatrist and get treatment  ok
Bela: I know wt to do dnt say me first u do wt I said

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