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Summertime in Italy was a sight to behold, Venice would burst with travelers, a barrage of multiple languages clashing together as each person reverted to their natural tongue communicating loudly as they traveled tightly clumped together to ensure no one in their group was left behind. The sun would shine brightly, its strong rays would illuminate every crevice of the city blanketing Venice in sweltering heat leaving occupants sticky from the humidity that seemed to intensify with the heavy foot traffic. Street performers would occupy every inch of the piazza showcasing their talents as they combatted with pigeons who were about as ferocious as New Yorkers ready to snatch food from an unsuspecting person's hands. The city wasn't as bustling as New York, but it was always packed at this time to a point it reminded Danielle of home. Thankfully she never had to force her way through the crowds, but she would accidentally run into the occasional tourist who was too engrossed in capturing images of the city. Scents from various eateries would waft from buildings, forcing her stomach to growl in protest as she followed her nose to investigate where the tantalizing scent originated.

Danielle recalled the first time she had traveled to the city with her family. The buildings to her small body appeared as if they descended from the bright blue sky. Immaculate carvings etched in the stone were so intricately carved she was sure they had been done only a few years prior. Italy was an old country, but it held a certain charm about it that left visitors feeling as if they were traveling back in time. Many of the buildings were centuries old, rough stone and marble detailed the insanely efficient knowledge that guilders and masons had acquired during their time. Danielle could remember walking these very streets hand in hand with her mother as she rushed to her next fitting, oblivious to the eyes that trailed her as she passed by. Olivia would walk with a purpose, her hand in hers, a large purse slung over her shoulder holding many gadgets and trinkets to keep her toddler busy, but Danielle never had a need for them. She was always satisfied with just taking in the sights, her eyes would widen as she followed behind her mother being starstruck at the occasional street performer. The city held a lot of fond memories for her, and she was always the most at peace when there.

That day Danielle had taken time off to herself, it had been a stressful time since the fashion show, and she felt as if she were drowning. Needing to decompress she decided to spend a few hours outside, following her feet wherever they led her. She occupied herself taking pictures of things that caught her interest, snacking on sweets, and traveling in and out of gift shops purchasing items to ship back to her family back home. It was a rare occasion for her to have time to herself and she planned to take full advantage of it. Lucia had been working her to the bone, but not once did she complain. The experience of working alongside her godmother was a once in a lifetime opportunity and in the short few months she'd been there she'd gained a wealth of knowledge. Having a firsthand look at the business side of the industry did nothing to prepare her for what she was doing now. Her days consisted of meetings, alterations, and Lucia even trusted her enough to tag along with Kendra when it came time for the garments to be photographed. Every day was something new, and exciting and she thoroughly enjoyed it. Lucia was stricter than usual, but Danielle took it in stride. Not wanting others to criticize her familial ties with the reasoning for her selection to work at FÈVRE Danielle was sure to pull her own weight and it paid off greatly. After her work had been completed she found herself being constantly complimented by the older workers and she felt as if she had finally gained their respect.

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