Racism is a Virus

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So I saw a video of a girl telling her experiences with racism, so I decided to share my first experience with racism. I was in preschool and my "friend" was passing out some type of gift or something for the class. She didn't give me one and she told me the reason she didn't give me one was because I was brown. My parents found out and talked to the school and the girls mom, but they didn't do anything. This kept happening, but as a four year old you don't notice these things. At one point the girl's mom accused me of giving her daughter, my friend lice and looking back at it now, it was because of the color of my skin. I was friends with this girl, but her mom never really liked me or my family. I was also the only black kid at that preschool, which again being four I didn't notice or think anything was wrong with me, I never told myself I was different because I'm not, but to my peers, to that one girl I was. The horrible part about this whole experience was, I was so young that my parents told me about it. My parents had to tell me this story because as a black four year old, I didn't care or didn't really understand. Growing up biracial, but only people seeing the black part of me, has opened my eyes and has really taught me that black people are treated much differently, but not just by the police, by their classmates, teachers, friends, etc. And these kids, me included, are experiencing this racism at such a young age. At an age where they don't understand racism, they don't understand that they're "different", they don't understand why they are treated differently and they just don't know that they're treated this way. People don't think they know anyone who has dealt with racism, but you know me and you probably know more people, so I recommend you to talk to people and ask them and get informed. If something like this has happened to you, if you have dealt with racism I encourage you to speak out, it's not that hard and you'll feel much better when you do. And for the people who haven't, don't be afraid to ask, I would be happy if someone asked me. This is a topic that needs to be talked about more and it needs to stop. 

P.S. The girl in the photo on top is not the girl, but she did go to the same preschool as me. I put that picture up bc I wanted people to know how young I actually was. 

Feel free to ask me any question :)  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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