"Papa"Arya nampak memeluk Ayesha semakin erat.

"Advait aku mohon tolong jangan bawa Arya"pinta Ayesha.

"Advait, ayo"ujar Devika. Advait pun menarik Arya dari pelukan Ayesha. Ketiga nya pun meninggalkan ruang sidang tersebut, terdengar tangisan Arya disana.

Veer nampak terduduk lemas, memijat pelipis nya. Ayesha nampak menggenggam tangan Veer disana.

"Aku gagal Ayesha. Entah sebagai ayah ataupun sebaga suami aku gagal"Veer nampak tak mampu lagi menahan air di pelupuk mata nya. Ayesha pun memeluknya.

"Kita akan temukan cara agar hak asuh Arya jatuh pada kita. Tenanglah Veer, okay. Semua akan baik - baik saja"Ayesha nampak menepuk - nepuk pundak Veer yang ada dalam dekapan nya.

"Advait Khurana, kau akan menyesal dengan apa yang sudah kau lakukan"gumam Ayesha dalam hatinya. Sorot kebencian nampak terlihat disana.




The Mumbai city court appeared crowded this afternoon. Many media crews have been waiting there with their cameras and recorders. A car stopped right at the court. A girl got out of the car. She is not alone, but she is also with a man and small child whose she carried there.

"Mr Oberoi comes" squeaked one of the journalist there.

"Mr. Oberoi, this is your final court, how do you feel?"

"I just hope this court is over earlier and the judge decides the best and the fair desicion.That's all," Mr. Oberoi replied curtly. After that, he, that woman, the child and his lawyers entered the courtroom.

Ten minutes later another car stopped there. A woman and a man got out of the car. The reporters approached them again.

"Mrs. Oberoi how are you feeling? Ma'am?" Asked the media crew but the woman preferred not to answer their questions and immediately entered the courtroom. The man followed that woman's steps.


The court process began. The judge, seems that he has prepared his decision.

"Alright the results of this court I declare Mr. Veer Oberoi and Miss Devika Agnihotri have officially divorced. And custody of their only daughter Arya Oberoi handed over to Devika Agnihotri as Arya's mother" the judge also knocked the hammer in front of him.

"What?" Veer looked surprised. "Objection, your honour" Veer shout.

"Veer, calm down" the girl sitting next to Veer seems to be grasping Veer's hand. And, Arya is still in the arms of that girl.

"How can I calm down Ayesha? She gave custody of my daughter to a woman who didn't even know how to commit." Veer said, he look angry. While the girl who turned out to be named Ayesha could only keep silent hugging Arya.

"Your Honor, my client objected to this decision. How can you give Arya's custody to Ms. Devika? She even left when Arya was only 14 weeks old, and since then Mr Veer took care of Arya until finally Arya was 8 years old. How could you give custody to Devika? "protested Veer's lawyer.

"Therefore, we have decided to give custody to Ms. Devika so that she can take care of her daughter. Besides, Mr. Oberoi is prohibited from meeting Arya more than twice a week. This decision has been fixed and cannot be contested" the judge replied firmly said.

Slowly the courtroom seemed quiet. Now only Veer, Ayesha, Arya and Devika are left.

"Give Arya to me Ayesha, you have heard the judge's decision right?" Said Devika.

"I don't want to, I just want to be with Aunt Yesha and papa" Arya whined behind Ayesha's hug.

"You heard it yourself, right? Arya just wants to be with me and her father. Do you have no shame Devika? Arya will stay with Veer. And you can visit them whenever you want. But please don't separate Arya from her dad" begged Ayesha

"Shut up! I'm sick of hearing your babble. Don't you realize you are taking care of my daughter and someone else's husband, now tell me who is shameless you or me, Miss Ayesha?" Devika replied. "Advait, take Arya. We go home" a man named Advait enter the courtroom. How surprised Ayesha was when she saw Advait.

"Advait" murmured Ayesha with a surprised expression. While Advait try to bring Arya from her arms Veer seems standing from his seat.

"Don't take my daughter" Veer begged.

"Papa"Arya seemed to hug Ayesha tighter.

"Advait, I beg you please do not bring Arya" pleaded Ayesha.

"Advait, come on" said Devika. Advait pulled Arya from Ayesha's arms. The three left the courtroom, Arya crying was heard there.

Veer looks limp, massaging his temples. Ayesha seems to be grasping Veer's hand there.

"I failed Ayesha. Whether as a father or as a husband I failed" Veer seemed unable to hold tears anymore in his eyelids. Ayesha hug him.

"We will find a way for Arya's custody. Calm down Veer, okay. Everything will be fine." Ayesha patted Veer's shoulder in her arms.

"Advait Khurana, you will regret what you have done," Ayesha murmured in her heart. Highlight of hatred seen visible there.

To be continue...

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