Meet the parents💥

Start from the beginning

It was muffled but I could definitely make out Katsuki's voice.

Oh Katsuki.

The door swung open and thankfully Katsuki answered.

"Hey" he muttered out as he looked at me softly but he was nervous

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"Hey" he muttered out as he looked at me softly but he was nervous.

Me too.

"Hey stranger" I smiled out.

"Don't be rude let her in!!" I heard a woman say.

He moved aside and let me in and there they both were standing right by the door.

Holy cow, he looks exactly like his mom.

"Y/n, these are my parents, this is y/n my girlfriend " he mumbled out as he looked down.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Bakugo thank you so much for having me over . Oh! these are for you " I respectfully Introduced myself and handed them the flowers and cheesecake.

"Hello y/n" Mr. Bakugo softly said as he waved.

He seems so nice.

"It's so nice to finally meet you! " Mrs. Bakugo exclaimed excitedly.

"Finally?" I asked out confused.

"Oh I know about you, he took you to homecoming right!" She beamed out.

Oh my gosh she's so nice too.

"YOU HAG I TOLD YOU NOT TO MENTION HOMECOMING TO HER!!!" Katsuki yelled out as he stepped towards her.

"SHUT UP I DIDNT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THE ACTUAL DANCE I JUST MENTIONED HOW YOU TOOK HER!!" She yelled back as she slapped him on the back of his head and he stepped back shaking in place

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"SHUT UP I DIDNT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THE ACTUAL DANCE I JUST MENTIONED HOW YOU TOOK HER!!" She yelled back as she slapped him on the back of his head and he stepped back shaking in place.

My smile melted away and looked concerned at them.

Oh. This makes sense now.

"Calm down don't scare her with your yelling you two" Mr. Bakugo calmy tried getting them to stop.

"But now that Katsuki brought it up, I'm sorry about what happened at homecoming" Mrs.Bakugo Interjected calmy.

Total 180 from a few moments ago.

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