Parte 29

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Mattias POV

I wake up and go wake up the boys up

Mattia: wake ur lazy asses up

I throw pillows at them

Alv: shit alright

Ale: shut up alvaro

  Alvaro smacks him

Alv: get the fuck up

Ale: ughh fine

Kai: can y'all stop acting like little kids and jus get up

Rosh: ight lets go

They all get changed and we start getting our guns and stuff ready we head down to the alley and area where him or her always goes

Isabels POV (you)

I wake up and fuck theses voices they won't shut up


Could I have what mattia has too?

No no I don't know ughh whatever

Then I get my gun and stuff




I see my eyes turn red

I then start to walk down to the alley

I have a black hoodie and a mask covering my face

you can kinda see my eyes

I then load my gun

I see like 5 boys I think I don't know

I hide and think of a plan

Mattias POV

Mattia: boys I think he or she is here

Ale: where

Mattia: I saw someone load ur guns

They all nod and we start looking around

Isabels POV (you)

I then go and I see....


Shit they might kill me

I can't kill them if it's them

No no I'm overthinking it's not them

Then I hear the voices in my head again

Kill them

Kill them

Come one kill them

"AHHH SHUT UP" I yell as I bang my head

"Come one this way!" I hear someone say

I hide and they all run right past me

I couldn't really see who it was

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