A Forever Without You

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Scrolling through the memories of the days when problems are out of our league and remembering the days when all I know is how to love you, is all I do.

Travelling through the memory lane after years of longing and years of you not reciprocating those whirlwind emotions I got for you, got me thinking and wishing of a forever without you.

Some says that you would be better if you will end up with me, and I stand and says I would be better if I will not end up with you. 'Cause I know that this love I have for you is greater than all the love you will receive from everybody around you. It's even greater than the love I have for myself.

And I heard someone who just said that people should not let LOVE be the only reason we should stay. I should not let this LOVE I have for you, be the only reason to wish for a forever with you. Why? 'Cause this LOVE from me is nothing without the affection and love from you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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