A Promise

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Qibli's POV
I woke up when I felt warm sun beams cooking on my scales, and a cool summer breeze seep in through the leaves. I look down and see Moon snuggling in the crevice of my body.
"Good morning sunshine...." I told Moon while nuzzling the top of her head. "Good morning Qibli." Moon replied with a yawn.

She looks beautiful in the sun, especially her silver teardrops....I thought gazing at her. I noticed her smiling at me. " Your sky fire isn't on." She said to me, smirking. "I don't need to hide my thoughts from the love of my life.." I responded. I leaned down and kissed her, while she kissed me back.
Moon's POV
I'm the love of his life?? Wow, I thought he just liked me.....I thought closing my eyes and sank deeper into the kiss. I felt Qibli wrap his talons around my waist and I put my talons on his jawline. I felt Qibli roll over so he was on top of me and picked me up and started tickling my feet

. "STOP IT! THAT TICKLES!!" I said through laughing. "I'll stop, only if you promise me one thing...." Qibli said pulling something out of his pouch on the floor and sat down in front of me. "Will you, Moonwatcher, be my mate?" Qibli asked me with hesitation.

He opened the tiny box to reveal a moon-shaped sapphire, outlined with small diamonds put onto a gold ring. It took her breath away. "Yes!" I said filled with joy as I wrapped her wings around Qibli in a hug while their snouts touched.

~~~~~time skip~~~~~
Qibli's POV
It had been a year since I had proposed and tomorrow was our wedding PLUS Moon was carrying their first egg. There is nothing that is going to keep me from being an amazing father. "Qibli, go to bed......" Moon said sleepily. "Sorry there's just so many things to think about." I replied. Placing my forearm around her. "Exactly, your keeping me up with all of your thoughts." Moon told me with a sleepy smile. "I can put my skyfire on for you." I told Moon with a playful look. "No, I like your mind open, it's very....inviting."  Moon said with a yawn as I placed a kiss on top of her head. "You're going to be a great father." Moon said before drifting off into sleep. I entwined my tail around hers before, I too, fell into a deep sleep.

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