A Cold Night

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Winters POV
I already found Kink and Turtle hiding in the trees. But.....I still couldn't find Qibli and Moon. Probably kissing and what not.... "Why is there a huge pile of leaves?" I asked Turtle. "Uhhhh, maybe"- he was cut off by me,"There's light coming from the cave entrance...." I saw Turtle move the leaves as we all walked inside, and there Moon and Qibli were.

Moon's head resting on Qibli's chest, asleep. Kinkajou broke the the silence, "Winter, don't take it personally.... but I think Moon wants Qibli...." Inside I wanted time claw off Qibli's satisfied sleeping face. He wanted Moon, and it tore my heart into a million pieces over and over again when I saw them like that.

It made me want roar as loud as he could and kill every single dragon here. But I knew if I did, Moon would hate me forever, and would never love him. So instead he said, "Leave them be, they deserve each other....." It should be me who Moon loves, not that-that SandWing.... "I'm done with this life." I said. "NOOO! Winter wait!" Kinkajou pleaded, but I was too far.

So, I promised myself that night, weather it tomorrow or in 50 years weather Moon likes me or not:

That SandWing will die...

Ok, I did post another part....I love this ship sooo much, thank you for 290 READS, THATS UNBELIEVABLE!!! So anyway, see you on the other side!

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