Chapter 1

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One slip, and that's all it took for his world change. 
Waves crashed over the boy as he tried to fight his way to the shore. He felt himself being pulled to the center of the lake as he was submerged underwater. No, he was going to get sucked in the portal!
The blue beacon of light grew brighter in the center, it connected the lake to the heavens. Two worlds that have remained separate were now one. No one from these worlds dared to venture to the other for it was too dangerous. Eons of isolation were now about to be broken in one night. 
The boy pushed his head above the water one last time and let out a desperate cry for help, hoping that someone was around in the quiet forest. But no one came to his aid. He was sucked back under for his final time. Water filled his lungs, he couldn't fight it anymore. His consciousness started to fade, and the last thing he was the blinding blue light getting closer.
Pain built up in his chest, he felt like he couldn't breathe. Then suddenly, a knee jerk reaction caused him to shoot up and cough violently. His lungs felt like they were collapsing as he continued to expel water onto the ground. After it was over, the boy gripped his burning throat and curled up in a ball. Everything hurt, is this what dying felt like? 
The air felt warm, but the boy was shivering. He was soaked to the bone. He would have just passed out again if he had not heard rustling nearby. He wearily picked up his head and looked over at the tall trees. Was someone there? The boy sat up and glanced over. His green eyes spotted something brown and small enough to fit in his hands. When his eyes adjusted to the dark he could see that it was a deer! He gasped and watched the small creature gallop into the woods. 
"Everything is so small!" The boy's memories came flooding back. He jumped back to his feet and ran towards the lake, but when he stared out into the waters, he saw the waves were dim and murky. The azure light that  he once saw was no more. 
"No…" The boy dropped to his knees. He had no idea how long he was out for, but he knew that he was trapped in the human world. 
Katie grew antsy as she laid in bed. When was Ms. Doris going to go to bed? If she didn't hurry up, Katie might fall asleep before she could see the light. Then finally footsteps could be heard down the hall! 
The cruel woman's bedroom creaked open and promptly shut followed by the click of the door locking. Finally, the old hag was in her room!
Katie put on her thick rimmed glasses and tiptoed over to the window. She stared out at the thick sea of trees that felt like they stretched for miles. Then she spotted a beam of light in the center of the woods. The breathtaking azure light illuminated the woods, like it from an enchanted world filled with mystery. But before Katie could really soak in the view, the light slowly disappeared, and just like that, the magic had faded away.
On this summer night, Katie had vowed to learn everything about that mysterious blue glow and go into the woods to find out all of its secrets.

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