Chapter 1 Part 1 - Pilot

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On the Ark. In 2134.

* Two 16-year-old girls run hurriedly through the long, cold iron halls of the Ark

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* Two 16-year-old girls run hurriedly through the long, cold iron halls of the Ark.
Guardian: Stop!
They keep running. They stop at a door and knock. The door opens. Come in and hide. "What happens?" says a frightened woman's voice. The guards are knocking on the door. Strong.
Guardian: Open the door!
There are still knocks. The guards forced their way in. Take the daughters and parents of one of them. L's parents. They are floated into space in front of their daughters face.*

The alarm sounds

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The alarm sounds. S, L's best friend wakes up from her nightmare breathing hard. They've been locked in the SkyBox for almost two years. At 18, they will be floated into space for what they have had. Let me explain more precisely: they stole drugs from the infirmary. Anyone who committed crimes before adulthood was imprisoned, and at the age of 18 he was killed flying in space. Whoever was already a major was floated in the first second. She hears her, gets out of bed and climbs the stairs to her bed.
L: Someone didn't have a great night. You are OK?
S, breathing more calmly: Yes, I'm okay.
L raised an eyebrow.
L: Get ready, soon handcuff us again. And he laughs sarcastically.
Their cell is a cold one, in shades of metallic blue. How are they all. How is the whole Ark. There are two bunk beds, a high closet where they keep their blue overalls and in another room, a small bathroom.

 There are two bunk beds, a high closet where they keep their blue overalls and in another room, a small bathroom

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