Chapter nine

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Sorry for having you wait so long. Enjoy...

Being in the bakery industry leaves you busy most of the times. Jane has no free time on her hands. It's always the bakery and of course, her little boy. After catering, she came home little late and tired. She enter her kitchen only to find everything in a mess. Johnathan is butt naked with his underwear over his head and powder all over him. Jake is laying on the floor, white with powder and has broken eggs on him. They both look terrified at Jane. Her jaw drops by this scene.
"What happened here?" she ask angrily. "And why is Johnathan naked? Jake?!"
"Johnathan wanted to be like his mommy," Jake reply shrugging his shoulders. By now Jane is about to explode.
"A three year old... Jake! He should be in bed by now," she said angrily. He stand up and put his hands out. Johnathan put his arms around his mother's legs. "That's it. You're both grounded!"
"We can't be grounded," Jake say with an odd look. "I'm a grown man and Johnathan is only three. He's still a baby."
"I don't care!" she shout and pick the little boy up. "No more movies and snacks for a month! Look at how fat you two are getting. You will start to clean up here and I'll bath this little raccoon."
Jake give a heavy sighed with a faint look obeying her orders. She carry the little boy to bathroom.
"Oh boy, your daddy is in so much trouble," Jane say to him.
After Jake got the kitchen cleaned, he hopped into a warm shower. It's funny how we change, he thought. Well, to look at it. He didn't even once really try to beg Jane into having sex with him. It's like he became mature all of a sudden. That's what actually confuses Jane. He would flirt sometimes and throw little hints, but that's about all.
He climb out of the shower and got into his nighties. When he came in his room he saw Jane sit on his bed almost getting ready to go to bed too.
"Can we talk?" she ask and cross her legs. He nod and look at the time around his arm hoping it won't be a long speech. "I like it when you and Johnathan play around and spend time together, but today was unacceptable. Messy kitchen, dirty bodies and naked! We should raise him right, Jake."
"I'm just teaching him how to make fun out of life, Jane," he say and give her a big smile. "I'm a fun-dad. You can be the boring-mom for all I care. As long as Johnathan likes me."
"Likes you?" she throw herself back on the bed and put her hands on her face. "Your his dad, Jake. He can't like he. He already loves you."
"I know, but I want to make it cooler," he say and take a seat next to her on the bed. "I want to drop him off at school every morning listening to Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift."
"How is that cool?" she ask and sit up straight.  "He's a boy, Jake. Within more than Ten years, there will be new bands and singers that you wouldn't even know about. Heavy metal, rap..."
"I love Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber. They're cool. I'm cool."
"Oh my gosh," she shake her head and look at his with so much running through her mind.
"See, when I don't bave sex, the child in me comes out. That's what makes me so cool," he say. She role her eyes and look at her lap.
"Not everything is about sex, Jake."
"No, it's not. But I try to give you all I am each day and you keep looking pass me. I don't care if we have sex every second week or whatsoever. For once Janey, just look at me."
She pull her lips in and look at him. He give her an odd look.
"I won't beg for anything, okay? I love you, end of the story," he say. Jane gets tears in her eyes. She put her arm on her leg and rest her chin on her fist biting her lip. "Janey, I love you enough to let you be the long lost love of my life that'll sweep me off my feet everytime I see you if it doesn't feel right to you. I know that life is short and we must make every moment count, that's why I want to make sure you know how much I love you. I love you so much Janey, just being in your presence is alright with me."
"Jake I..." her voice crack. She's crying. He touch her back and take her hand. She sit up straight and look at him. "I don't know what to say. I don't..."
"It's okay, you don't have to say anything," he sah softly and kiss her front head. "We can just sit here and listen to the quiet."
She nod and touch his face. He give her a little smile and rest his arm around her body. She take a deep breath in and just like that, she pressed her lips against his. He kiss her back. This isn't just an innocent little kiss. Her hands runs to his rope. She undo it and take it off. He also take her rope off and let it fall on the floor. She's wearing a comfortable short pink pyjama dress. He is wearing shorts and a T-shirt. She move up and lay back on his bed. He join her and grab her cheek kissing her lips softly. She deepen the kiss and touch his chest while his fingers ran over her soft smooth legs to her butt. Jane immediately lift up her body and straddle Jake. He look amazed at her that start kissing his neck. His hands touching her body hungrily.
"I love you," she whisper in his neck and nibble on his ear. "I love you enough to give us another shot."
He grab her around the body and turn them around. He take his shirt off and go down kissing her neck roughly. She breathes nervously with a shiver and put her hands on his back. He bite softly on her breasts and her nipples that stood out under her dress. He press her breast softly and kiss down her stomach. She lift her body so that he can take her underwear off. He throw it aside and rest between her legs kissing her lips. She try to pull his pants down. He laugh softly at her desperate struggle and pull his pants down. He's ready, is she? He play around a little bit with her. Torturing her is what he likes to do best. He does a little mushroom dip then pull out again. He put his fingers in her and look at her face.
"Babe, relax," he whisper. She nod and take a deep breath in. He play around with his fingers before pulling it out. "Are you ready."
"Just do it," she say. He push himself carefully into her. Her body shakes underneath her big gasp. He rock his body slowly back and forth in and out of her. She moan softly adding a few scratches to his back. Her muscles pull together and her nails cut through his skin.
"Ouch, babe," he moan.
"Oh gosh...well, you deserve that," she say and let go of his back grabbing the sheets. He move his body faster on hers. The magic flows between them like electricity. She push his shoulders and flip them over. He look terrified up at her that straddled him. She move her body desperately up and down, back and forth like a snake.
"Janey," he grab her thighs. She push her nails into his chest moving faster. He move his pelvis too for extra support. She try to keep her voice down for the sake of Johnathan.
"Ah," she moan repeatedly with every move. He look down and open his mouth. She close her eyes and pull in her breath and separate her lips moving carefully. Her muscles pull together. The nuce warm sensation spreads in her body. With her final move forward, Jake's body pushes up. She drop weakly on his chest. Her heart is pounding against her chest. Besides breathing so loud and fast, she feels dizzy and hears a little ringing in her ears. Jake's body is still shaking under hers. She climb off and fall down next to him. He look at her exhausted face and smile. She try to get rid of the funny taste in her mouth by playing with her tongue in her mouth. Her face turn to him and her beautiful teary eyes falls on his. He take her in his arms and just hold her tight. She drown in his embrace and drift off slowly into a nice nap.

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