Chapter Thirteen

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When Mark walked in to work the next morning, he felt watched. It wasn't that people were actually looking at him, it just felt like it. Everything had changed for Mark but nobody else knew that, well, apart from Vee since he was the reason why. It wasn't like people would be able to tell just from looking at him that he was now dating Vee. Still, he was nervous. What if people found out and treated him differently? Some of his colleagues were already jealous that he was chosen by the CEO, Bar, to be the representative from the Product Development department at meetings with clients, inventors, and investors. Mark understood their feelings. He was still relatively new and there were people with much more experience that had been overlooked. If they found out he was dating Vee would they think that it was because of his relationship that he had gotten this opportunity?

"Hey, Mark! What's got your face so screwed up?" James exclaimed, appearing at Mark's side out of nowhere.

"Uh, nothing," Mark muttered, glancing around nervously.

"There's definitely something."

Mark huffed and shook his head at James, gesturing towards the people around them. They had been friends so long that James took the hint. Clearly, Mark would tell him later when they were alone so that no one could overhear. James left it alone, deciding to move on to what he thought was a different topic.

"Oh, by the way, Mark, Vee came to me asking about you yesterday."

"He did?"

James didn't miss the way Mark's head suddenly jerked up. He seemed pleasantly surprised going by the smile on his lips, but then caught himself and scanned around them almost if he was checking that no one had seen his expression.

"Mmm. You are both acting weird."

"No, we aren't," Mark snapped, not angrily but anxiously.

"Sure," James relented with a teasing suspicious tone.


"We have a few minutes before work starts. Want to talk on the balcony?"


The two rushed to the balcony they thought of as theirs. Mark was not sure how Vee was going to feel about Mark telling James about them, but he was not going to hide this from his friend. However, he did think he probably should check with Vee. Finally, he decided to send Vee a text letting him know that he was telling James about them just so Vee wasn't thrown off when James inevitably began to joke with them, crossing boundaries without shame.

"Okay, Mark. What's going on? And what has it got do with Vee?"

"Uh, Vee came over to my place yesterday."

"He what? Wait. That's where he ran off too!"


"What did he want?"

"He, uh, wanted to check up on me."

Mark was unable to contain his delighted grin at the memory and when James began to smirk with a knowing look in his eyes, Mark began to blush.

"Oh, does someone have a crush?"


"Vee is handsome, I must admit, but you have been complaining about him for ages. There really is a fine line between love and hate then, huh?"

"Maybe. He is really kind and, uh, takes care of me."

"That's so cute. Alright, I'm rooting for you two so what's the plan?"


"For you to get Vee."

"I don't have a plan."

"Come on, Mark, how are you going to get Vee to date you? I can help."

Mark giggled, his eyes crinkling in happiness, "I don't need a plan."


"We're dating."

"What?! When did that happen? Why didn't you tell me immediately? This is incredible news!"

"It happened yesterday."

"Oh my- Mark! This feels like an interrogation. I have to keep asking you questions. Just tell me everything," James whined, pouting as he tugged on Mark's arm.

"Uh, yesterday we made a bet about how quickly Vee could get over to mine and he won. So, as his reward he, uh, kissed me."

"I am loving this. Continue."

"After we stopped making out, we headed to the bedroom," Mark began but was cut off by James' excited squeals.


"Just to watch a film, jeez James, calm down."

"Okay, okay, I'm calm, see? Keep going."

"Mmm. Well, Vee was nervous to sit on the bed, but he settled in quickly. He, uh, tickled me and then kissed me again."

"Ooh, again!"

"Then he, uh, declared that he was my boyfriend."

"He didn't ask?"


"You know, that's kind of hot."

"Excuse me?"

"What? Your boyfriend is all possessive and commanding, and you're telling me you don't like it?"

Mark cheek's blushed furiously, both at James' description of Vee and at hearing someone else call Vee his boyfriend. It made it all the more real.

"I like it," Mark blurted out, poking James' side, "But you can't."

"I can't? Looks like Vee is not the only possessive one," James laughed, opening the door so that they can re-enter the building.

"Of course. He's my idiot, not yours."

"Okay, okay. I'll shut up. We should be heading off to work now but you are totally telling me more later."

Mark rolled his eyes but nodded before heading off to his department. He quickly became immersed in his project, not noticing the buzzing of his phone.

When he felt arms wrap around his waist, Mark jumped and his whole body began to tense. He relaxed a little when he realised who it was.

"Hey, Mark."

"Vee? What are you doing here?"

"I've been messaging you, but you didn't reply."

"Oh," Mark murmured, glancing around nervously as he began to tug on Vee's hands to try and get him to release him.

"What are you doing?"

"Vee. Let me go."

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