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Beerus the god of destruction many has feared him because of his power and that some thinks he is cold and uncaring and he mostly lives alone on his planet along with his trusted assistant the angel known as Whis.
Who as great power with his own right, so it's just a normal day for the god of destruction going from planet to planet and destroying them until he felt a small amount of power near by and when he goes to the source his life will change forever.

Beerus ( P. O. V.)

Beerus : You know Whis this is getting boring.

Whis : Hm? What do you mean my lord.

Beerus : Going from planet to planet just to destroy them. And never have or to get anything in return. For once I just wish I can do something else.

Whis : Well you are the god of destruction it's is your duty to do this you know.

Beerus : I know that Whis! It's just so.....

He stops in mid sentence because he started to feel small amount of power near by.

Whis : What is it my lord?

Beerus : Hmm, I feel a faint power near by I'm going to see what it is.

Whis : Hmm, very well my lord let's check it out.

3rd Person (P.O.V.)

When they reach the destination of why the power was coming from, they where surprised to see it coming from a space pod that looks to be in sleep mode.

Whis : My lord.

Beerus : Hmm. Interesting.

They start to head to the pod

And once they do Whis touch the pod and when he did the doors of the pod opens and they are shocked to see what was in the pod.

Baby (Y/N) : *Crying*

Whis : Oh my.

Beerus : It's a child but why is it doing all the way out here?

Whis : Not just a normal child my lord look closer.

He realized what was his assistance was talking about and he noticed a tail on the young boy.

Beerus : Is that a tail?

Whis : Yes it appears he must be a saiyan.

Beerus : Hmm. I guess you're right Whis. But why is he all the way out here?

Whis : I don't no my lord. Something must have happened.

Then Beerus stared to go up to (Y/N)

And he picks him up and he started to quiet down and this made Beerus smile.

Whis : My my.... Looks like the little one likes you my lord.

Beerus : *Chuckle* It appears so Whis.

Then an idea popped into his head

Beerus : Say why don't we take this little fellow with us?

Whis : What are you suggested?

Beerus : Hmm. I thought we can train him who knows he could be the super saiyan god. You know I've been looking for him.

Whis : Well alright my lord, but this little one will have to have a name first.

Beerus : You're right Whis. Hmm let's see.

Looks at the young child and starts to think of a name

Beerus : How about.... (Y/N)?

Baby (Y/N) : *Giggles*

Whis : * Chuckle* Well it appears he likes the name my lord.

Beerus : *Chuckle* Yeah it appears so, well then let's take the little one home Whis.

Whis : Very well let's go.

And thus the journey of (Y/N) begins.....

A/N : Hey everyone this is the prologue of this story I hope you enjoy it. And that this is my first time at doing a dragon ball story after having reading others story on this I've figured why not try one myself,
And also would you guys like this story to be a harem or would you want (Y/N) to be paired with a specific girl? Let me know on which one that you would like it to be. And with that said I'll see you in the next chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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The adopted son of the God of Destruction Where stories live. Discover now