fallen - Hinata Shoyo

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When you finally lose everything, and you really have nothing else to live for...

What do you do then? Wait for something else to come by? Search for something else to cherish? Or lose your touch with reality, and just fade away?

To be honest... Fading away sounds way too tempting right now...

Father had left us. Mother was strong, at least strong enough for us both. When I heard that she, the strongest person I ever knew in my life, died in a car accident, the only bonds holding me in place broke. 

My head started spinning. Uncontrollably. I don't think it ever stopped since that day. I don't have any extended family to go to, so I ended up living alone... I'm sixteen, anyway. 

What's the worse that could happen?

Ah, there it is. That one taboo sentence, the thing that started it all. The mess, everything - but I can't say I regret it. 

It all happened when I was walking home from school after a tiring day. At school, I was basically invisible to the entire student body - the only times I've ever opened my mouth to speak in school were when the teacher marked our attendance at the start of the day. 

Then I heard a sound. Shuffling. Like someone's footsteps. I whipped around, but nobody was in sight. Strange, but maybe I'm just imagining things. Well, I haven't been rather sane after all that I've gone through as a person. Father's departure, Mother's death - who would be able to keep calm after that?

I was so lost in thought... I didn't notice someone appear in front of me. With my stoic expression on my face, I continued to be oblivious until the person cleared his throat. 

"Hey there, little girl. Care to give me some of your money?" The guy's aura was somewhat threatening, but his voice was clearly feigned kindness. I guess someone was, indeed, tailing me. 

I scowled. I hated when people called me 'little girl'. Would you mind getting your eyes checked? I'm not as little as you think - for crying out loud, I'm sixteen years old. I'm not some 'little girl'. 

I was about to kick him in the place where it really hurts but someone else appeared in front of me, his back facing me. He jumped really high, his arms spread out in front of me, as if he was trying to prevent the other guy from laying a finger on me. 

"D-Don't you d-dare!-!" Even in the darkness of the night, this boy's bright orange hair was unmistakable. 

"You! Little boy, who are you? Her boyfriend?" Wow, did he finally just acknowledge my actual age? A 'little girl' wouldn't be able to have a boyfriend, right? 

Plus, he was offensive to the poor boy too. Honestly, this guy needs to step up his vocabulary game. 

"A-ano..." The orange-haired boy was caught really off-guard. He landed on the ground again, and now I could see that he was only a little taller than me. Not that big of a difference, so he definitely must be younger than me. 

I approached my stranger-savior gently. "It's okay, I'll take care of this." I smiled, and the boy gave in and took a step back, allowing me to be the offensive. 

I retracted my arm, as if I was about to punch the guy. Predictably,  he was about to counter my punch with his strong arms. I mean, he's a full-grown adult. Even though he may not have considerably strong arms, he would still have pretty strong arms compared to mine, eh?

Now was the time. I immediately stopped my arm in mid-air, shocking the adult for a split-second. Before he had any time to recover, I swung my leg full-force and hit him in the place where one should never ever hit a man in.

"AHHHHH!" The guy yelped, grabbing his crotch. I quickly turned around, catching sight of my stranger-savior for the first time. His eyes were so sparkly, as if he just saw a shooting star or something. I quickly snapped my fingers in front of his face, snapping him out of his daydream, so that we could escape the scene before the guy could recover and chase us. 

Then, the orange-haired charged in front of me with newfound energy, grabbing a hold of my wrist in case I could not keep up with his lightning speed. 

As I ran behind him, seeing his orange fluffy hair in the wind, I felt something open up in my chest. This was the first time someone showed care for me ever since Mother's death. 

Do people, even those who I don't even know... actually care for me?

Do I actually have a reason to live? Despite not knowing the people who pray for my existence?

"Hey, you look really sad..." The orange-haired boy cocked his head to the side, almost like a puppy would. 

I laughed. "What is it?" He asked, genuinely curious. 

This boy was interesting. If people could be represented by colours, he would be a very vibrant rainbow. 

"It's nothing. It's just that you remind me a lot of a puppy," I tried to stifle my laughter but to no avail. I expected him to pout or do something of the sort, but then he grinned even wider. 

"Good. You're finally smiling." 

Now, his tone was different. Before, it was light-hearted. He sounded like a really oblivious kid of sorts, y'know? But now, he sounded like a much more matured version of himself. And also quite eerily observant at that.

He could not help but intrigue me even more. 

"Thank you. For just now. Although you didn't really do a good job," I winced half-heartedly. He immediately reverted to his more light-hearted self as he whined. "Heyyy, that's not very nice, you know," He cocked his head to the side again. Although, it didn't sound like he was done with his sentence from before. 

"Y/n-chan." He said after a while. When those words came out of his mouth, I gaped at him. The way he said it... It felt like I was finally accepted, finally welcomed into society as who I was. It was like a family greeting me when I reached home at night after a day of events.

When he saw my gaping expression, he thought I was wondering how he knew my name. (I wondered that too, but hey emotions take priority)

"I've been watching you in school. How you didn't really speak, how you just blended in to the school environment. You never smiled. If I didn't know better, I'd thought you were a wall or something. But that's what's so cool about you, you know, Y/n-chan! When I saw your attack earlier, I knew I was right about you!" 

A small smile crept onto my face. "How are you even pulling this off?" I asked, amused. "You're like an angel, you know. Given my situation and all." 

"Hmm, you also remind me of one." I raised an eyebrow as a spaced-out look came over the orange-haired boy. "If anything, you remind me of a fallen angel, Y/n-chan!" His eyes seemed to sparkle once more as he said that. As if it was the coolest thing in the world. 

"I'm really thankful I met you today..." I paused as I took in his big grin and rather child-like gestures. (they were cute, okay)

It was at this moment that I caught sight of his name-tag, placed rather lopsidedly on his school uniform.

"Hinata Shoyo."

kaye: caught you there, did i not? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) i bet you were thinking I was going to write something like fallen as in falling for someone. who would've guessed it would mean fallen angel? ... no? well, then..

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