°°Cutie Pt. 2°°

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Nagisa x Reader

Requested by: Jungkookie_BTS_71


You are currently having a staring contest with your own reflection in the mirror, keenly eyeing your newly combed hair and bare face. Still not satisfied, you gingerly dabbed some powder on your face and apply a little bit of your newly bought liptint on your pale lips.

Inspecting your face once more, you finally smiled. "Much better!"

It's been years now ever since your first encounter with the blue-haired male, namely Nagisa. Back then, you had to wait until school is over so you could visit the school where your older sister Irina is working at. All that so you could see your crush, which is several years older than you. But you couldn't care less anyway, because you highly believed that 'age doesn't matter when it comes to love'.

Now you're in high school, which is literally the best thing that has ever happened to you. Why?

After hearing from Nagisa that he's aiming to become a teacher in the future, you've made lots of plans that would hopefully let you stay close to him. That's why you purposely enrolled in the same school he's working at, which led him to become your teacher on one subject.

You were slightly frustrated when you found out that he was your teacher in only one subject, but you decided to stay optimistic about it. At least you'll get to see him everyday and keep those cunning girls away from him.

Back to the present, you are walking through the hallways, an intimidating expression plastered on your face. Students cowered upon your fearsome gaze, either avoiding your eyes or distancing themselves away from you. You wanted to let them know that you're not someone to be messed with and you've already made it clear to all the female students that Nagisa is off-limits.

Suddenly, the whole place brightened. Your eyes widened, sparkling with both delight and joy as you stared at a certain person who was walking ahead of you. Your heart started thumping inside your chest, the corners of your lips tugging upwards into a bright smile.

"Nagisa-sensei~! Ohayo!" You chirped, running to catch up with the man of your dreams.

As he whirled his head to your direction, everything became in slow-motion. His bangs swayed from the small movement, his azure irises luring you in every single time your eyes made contact with them.

A smile made its way to his face as he greets you back, "Ohayo, (y/n)-chan." He says softly in his usual gentle voice. You felt like your heart has melted inside of you from the amount of sweetness that filled each word he uttered.

"I hope he would notice the new shade of liptint I used. I spent hours on picking the most attractive color that would be enough to draw a man's gaze to my lips." You thought to yourself, smirking discreetly.

Then, you tilt your head towards the oblivious male, saying, "Uhm...do you notice something different with me today?" Fidgeting with your fingers, you look up at him with a shy smile.

Years have already passed yet Nagisa didn't change at all, not even his height. He did cut his hair short, but other than that, he's still the same guy he used to be. Apart from that, he did became a little matured and his new short hairstyle made him look even more attractive and manly.

Nagisa proceeds to scan your face, stopping as he looked at your hair. "Oh! You're wearing a hairpin today." He beams happily as if he gave the right answer.

"I've worn this hairpin since yesterday..."

Your smile immediately morphs into a forced one, not wanting to interrupt his satisfied mood. Deep inside, you were a bit upset since he didn't even steal a single glance at your lips. You had high hopes that he would notice it almost immediately, considering how noticeable and eye-catching the color is.

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