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"Would you shut up!" Merida shouted at Jack.

"Why would I do that Legolas?" Jack asked smirking.

"Because if you don't I will fight you like Legolas!" Merida told him as her anger rose.

"As you command princess Legolas." Jack said.

"THAT'S IT!" Merida shouted as she threw what was on her lap onto the ground. Jack got up and ran. Rapunzel and Hiccup grabbed Merida's arms and held her back. "IM COMING FOR YOU FROSTBITE!"

"GOD DAMN IT! LET ME GO! HE'LL GET WHAT'S COMING TO HIM." She screamed. She was practically dragging the two friends with her. She was stronger than both of them. Hiccup nervously glanced at Rapunzel, who returned the glance. They both knew they couldn't hold her for much longer.

"Let. Me. Go!" She screamed. The grip on her arms fell as hiccup and Rapunzel were thrown onto their butts. Merida took off after Jack. "YOU CAN RUN FROSTBITE BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!"

Merida ran and ran but could not find Jack Frost. She cursed the boy under her breath as she made her way back to her house. She sat down on the couch but to relax but to no avail. She goes to her bedroom and pulls on her hunting boots. The knee high brown leather boots that she had worn so much that they molded to her foot. She made her way to the door.

Merida grabbed her bow on the way out. The took off into the forest. She climbed into a tree. She froze and listened. She moved along the treetops stopping every so often to listen. She stopped when she saw movement. She quietly unsheathed an arrow. Mounted it against the bow. She pulled back and waited for it to move again. She saw the mass move. She let go. The arrow flew straight and true.

"Ow!" Screamed a voice that did not belong to Jack.

"Shit." She muttered under her breath. She knew she didn't shoot to kill. Only to slow down or pin. Never to kill. She hopped from branch to branch as she made her way to her victim.

Merida reached the tree he was beside. It was Hiccup who she had hit. She jumped down and landed in front of him. He jumped and screamed a little.

"What the hell is your problem!? You shoot me with an arrow for no reason when I was trying to find you and then you scare me half to death!" Hiccup raves.

"Chill out! The arrow barely scraped you! Your shirt is just pinned. Now if you would calm down and let me work then you can leave!" Merida said seething.

"Easy for you to say Princess." Hiccup said loud enough for her to hear.

'Oh no he did not!' Merida thought.

"Fine then! I will just leave you here! Your nothing but a toothpick any ways! The birds might make a light snack out of you!" She shouted as she turned to walk away.

"WHAT! You can't just leave me here." Hiccup said in disbelief.

"As a princess I shouldn't get my hands dirty." Merida said in a mocking royal voice. "I am afraid you are out of luck." Merida turned and walked away. "Dinners at 7 if you can make it." She told him as she turned a corner and was lost in the trees.

Hiccup was desperate. He knew he wasn't strong enough to pull the arrow out himself. He said something that he knew would bring her back. "You would want me to come wouldn't you Princess Legolas."

Merida stopped. She heard what he said. 'Oh. He did not. Just say that.' She felt the heat rising in her face. Not just from anger. She was blushing. Merida turned around and angrily marched back to where Hiccup was left hanging.

Hiccup heard ever angry footstep and nervously waited for the explosion he may have caused. He felt his heart beat in his throat. He had never been more scared. He waited. His senses heightened with the fear and anxiety. He saw a familiar mop of red hair through the trees. She walked straight for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2014 ⏰

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