Chapter Twelve, The Trials

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Chapter Twelve, The Trials

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Chapter Twelve, The Trials

Today was the day Sirius would finally get a trial proving he was innocent and falsely imprisoned. Pollux, Arcturus with the help of Lucius had brought all the evidence they had gathered, including the will of Lily and James Potter stating who was their secret keeper and who performed such a complex spell, to Amelia Bones the Head of Department of Magical Law Enforcement asking for a full trial to be held. After looking over the evidence thoroughly and checking the Ministry's files for the trials that had been held during the war, only to find none for Sirius Black.

After discovering such a gross misconduct that had been carried out especially to the Heir of one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. She immediately called a full trial with the Wizengamot to fix the last Minister's mistake and Barty Crouch's mistake. She contacted Pollux asking her to bring Sirius to the trial that would be held in two days time. Only to discover he wanted another trial held for the abuse of Harry Potter at the hands of Muggles and Dumbledore as he knew who the Secret Keeper was and how Harry was being treated until he ran away from home at age seven only for Sirius to find him in the middle of the night in the streets.

To say she was absolutely appalled was a severe understatement. She could believe what the Magical Society was coming to and put things in place for Dumbledore's trial to be held straight after Sirius'. She gathered all the information she needed for Dumbledore's trial including memories from Harry, Severus Snape and Andromeda Tonks who were treating him and Sirius when he found Harry in the street. After Harry's memories she was reduced to tears for the first time in her career. She couldn't believe that poor boy, who was the same age as her niece, had gone through. He was severely malnourished to the point he looked four and his skin was tight over his bones.

A few days had passed as she had finished drawing up all the documents she needed for both trials and guardianship of Harry to be rewarded to Sirius as she knew everyone on the Wizengamot will believe his innocence once they were shown. She was already having her just trusted Aurora searching for Peter Pettigrew and would announce to the general public to be in the look out for a rat to suddenly appear in their garden or near their home and to be handed in immediately as he was a wanted criminal whose Animagus form was that of a rat.

Gathering all she needed she made her way down to the courtroom sitting in the judges seat to preside over the trials as she didn't trust Fudge, not one bit. Slowly but surely everyone started filling into the courtroom including Sirius with his family, the Black family hadn't wanted any where near Dumbledore so Amelia had agreed to let him stay home with Remus, Narcissa and Draco, only taking Harry's memories. She didn't blame them for if she was Harry's family she'd want him as far away from this as she could.

Smiling tightly at his old friend Sirius sat in the chair in the middle of the room, his family in the witness stands as whispers spread around the room like wildfire. Amelia held her wand in the air silencing the room immediately.
"Mr Severus Snape if you wound he so kind as to give Mr Sirius Black the Veritumserum." Amelia Bones requested. Snape budded his head pouring the required amount of drops in Sirius' mouth, when he was satisfied it taken affect he nodded to Amelia Bones returning to his seat in the witness stands.
"What is your full name?" Amelia Bones asked.
"Sirius Orion Black." Sirius answered mono-tonelessly.
"Were you the Secret Keeper for the Potter's while they were in hiding?" Amelia asked.

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