Chapter 1: Letters

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Dear Hermione,

I can't wait to see you again soon. It's only been a few weeks but it's felt like forever.

Have you heard the Prophet lately? Who do they thing they are?! They're acting as if nothing happened at all! I have half a mind to go done there and talk to them.

Dad actually said that they refused to fire him when he told them he used to be a death eater. Dad thinks it's because if they did fire him they would be admitting that he's back.

He has been demoted though, because he believes that Voldemort is back, although he doesn't care that much.

Anyway enough of this serious stuff, I just wanted to say I really enjoyed seeing you last week, it was fun to spend sometime alone with you.

There's still been no word from Ben, dad's getting really worried about him, and so am I. I mean I know he's a death eater and all, but still he's my brother and I'm worried.

Rose has been spending a lot of time with Marc lately, like usual, and Richie's been out with friends a lot.

Well that's about all, I hope I'll see you at the place soon.

Love you



How's it going mate? You alright? I got out of Saint Mungos a while ago, Umm what else, oh Yeah a got a new pair of glasses. Also they can't fix my arm.

Now I know what you're thinking, yes I do look amazing in these new glasses, and no I will not give them to you.

Anyway I'll be seeing you soon, no need to worry about that.


Oi Ron, you're a git.

Well that's all I wanted to say, see you soon.



Tell Gred and Feorge I say hi.


Oh and your mum as well, tell her that I say hi, and that I'm out of Saint Mungos, so there's no need to worry about me anymore.


Also tell your dad that I can bring him a battery if he wants, and a telephone.


And while you're at it tell Ginny I say hi as well, hope she's doing well.


You still haven't told me if Charlie will send me a dragon egg, so yeah if you could let me know that'd be great. Also if it's possible can you get Bill to get me some cursed items I think it'd be pretty cool.


Dear Luna,

The butter beer cap bracelet you got me really helped me out last year. I've finally gotten my subscription to the Quibbler and it's really interesting to read each issue.

It's a shame we could talk much last year, hopefully I'll be see you more this year.

Oh and I asked about the crumple horned snorkack, they said they haven't had any case of them, the looked at me like I was crazy but I'm used to that now.

I wish I could've prodded a little more, but I wasn't in Saint Mungo's for long, Well that's all that's new with me, I hope you are well.

From (Y/n)

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