Chapter 14: Speek With You

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Voices muffled around me and I felt the sting of a hand on my shoulder. I made a hurt sound and breathed in fast as I flinch away from the touch. A flash of pain ran from my arm when I tried to sit up.

"Shhh..... Shhhh....." People gathered around me and my vision came to actually see again. The fuzzy dots covered and left my eyes as the pain ran through me. 

"What's going on?" I squinted my eyes open, "what happened?" My voice sounded croaky and stained. It wasn't my own.

"You were a bit out of practice my friend." A deep voice rang in my ears with kind words. It was Fili who smiled a grimace to my eyes. His hands were tucked behind his back and the clink of small chains on his boots rang in the room. I was in the infirmary... I think. "Thorin wanted to speak with you when you woke, need to talk." I was fully aware of my surroundings now and could see his kind actions next to me. He motioned for the other dwarves too leave the room and left with them, leaving me alone in the glowing room.

When the door opened again, Thorin had come to see me and that sprang a shock to my mind.

"I saw you fight." He sat on the far chair and crossed his arms across his chest.

"Listen no-" he interrupted me rudely when i started to speak.

"Please Sophia. Listen?"and so I did, "when I saw you were missing, I thought you were off with Kili... And you were for a bit but only for a little while. Bombur came to speek with me and reported that he saw you come out of a side hall with him and I got suspicious. I tried to find you in your room," he motioned around to the room we were in, "But you were not there. I hunted for you in Kili and Then Fili's dorm, not there again. So you can see, I got a bit frustrated. I like to have my Kin at my reach at anytime but this was not possible now. So, in your absence I waited on my throne for hours after requesting my guards find you but they never came with you. I left my throne for the main hall to look for you myself but by that time, I had forgotten why I wanted to see you. I know now... No sense in hiding." I just sat with ears open and ready for any Thorin I knew but none I had seen before came. The mention of Kili gave me shivers and a nervous pain inside.

"I wouldn't hide from anything. As you can see not even a pack of 500 Goblins on my own." I curled my lips and remembered what had happened before I blacked out. "What's the end to this tale, I'm becoming quite confused."

"You came to the hall and screamed out, umm... I can't remember but you warned us of the Goblins. I had a good idea of what you had been doing before then, and that was-" I cut him off.

"Lost. I was lost." I reminded him.

"Yes, after that. You were fighting the Goblins and must have closed the doors, blocked them in, killed many and ran faster than the speed of light. All very good fighting skills." He sounded almost impressed- no, grateful.

"All of them I earned from my time with the Elves. My grandfather, Elrond, taught me much." Thorin flinched at that comment. Elrond wasn't really my grandfather. It felt as if he was though...

"What do you believe you are, Sophia?" He paused, "dwarf, or elf?" His voice deepened into anger as if annoyed.

"I'm am not dwarf nor elf. I am both and I am also hobbit and man as well." I pointed out with a gush of pride. Thorin brushed that off and nodded.

"True. But you still are a fighter and are better than many of your people, dwarves, men, hobbit and elf. I want to let you know, you are welcome to join the line of Durin if the time comes and you have my blessing to be Kili's love."  I wasfully disgusted and shocked! He finished than walked out of the room with a light close of the doors. He left my heart racing and my head spinning in circles. What just happened? He never even finished his sentence- I... What?

Suddenly, I felt my eye lids slowly close and I feel into a confused sleep that let me dream of my fight...

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