The Gas Station

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                    —— Bucky's POV ——
   I sit beside May in the suburban, she doesn't mind driving, which is nice, my nephew Peter Benjamin Parker-Rogers-Barnes, poor kid has more last names then first & middle combined. "Hey Punk, how's little Jerk?" May chuckles at the nickname I've given Peter. "LJ is napping, his head hurt again, but he'll feel better when he wakes up." I nod, looking at the sleeping kid, May says "Is he drooling?" "Yeah, he is." "He used to do that when he was deep asleep especially when he was little and not feeling so good. It's been a little over 3 months since the surgery?" Steve nods, "Yeah, he'll always be my grand baby." "Ya know, Jerk, that kid's been takin after you." "So? He's my grandson, he's got a head on his shoulders and me helping at the helm and trying to keep Tony straight with Pepper helping."
              Peter wakes up, "What'd I miss?" "Not much LJ, just getting into Nashville." "Hmm. Hotel?" "Not yet, buddy, almost there. How's the pain and you have to tell me because that from now on is an order. Ok?" "Yes, Granddad. It's about a 6." "Ok, when's the last time you got pain medication?" "4 hours ago." "Ok, it's definitely time for some more pain meds." "Thanks, Granddad." Steve nods.
         I feel this sense of peace and happiness with the people who I've known and love. Peter's recovery has been rough but thankful he's getting better everyday.
                       —— (time skip) ——
    We finally pull up in front of a hotel. It's small but it seems nice. Peter and Steve takeover one room, May & I take over the other. Tomorrow, we plan to do sightseeing. I put on my swim trunks, thankful Tony made my arm waterproof. We all walk down towards the pool in the hotel. Thankfully no one is here at the pool. Peter pushes Steve into the deep end, and I bust a gut as Peter tries to land on Steve. May takes the stairs in as I fall in backwards to the pool, it makes a splash but we play tag in the water.
                       —— (time skip) ——
         We eventually head back up to our separate rooms to take a shower and go to bed. We do, we all watch a movie on the shared couch between our rooms and we fall asleep on it as well.

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