A break?

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"The number you have dialed is unavailable, please leave a message after the..." 

That was the 40th time she hears that annoying voice. Her heart starts to feel heavy when the feeling of uneasiness keeps crawling into her skin.

"Seungjin oppa!" she calls the older when she sees him appear in the hallway.

"Oh Jiwon-ah what's wrong?" he asks as he stops looking at his phone and watch her approaching him.

"Where's Seokjin? Isn't he suppose to be here for the shoot?" she looks around, hoping that her friend will suddenly pops out from somewhere.

"Didn't you know? He will be taking a break" she frowns to his remark.

"A break?" she repeats his words as she couldn't believe what she just heard.

A break? Since when Seokjin needs a break? As a matter of fact, he barely goes on break due to his passion towards his job. Then what's with the sudden decision? 

Is he really okay?

"Yeah, his wife's assistant called and informed that he'll be taking a break. Probably because of health issues?" he shrugs his shoulders before looking back to his phone.

"All of a sudden?" she feels worried hearing that, especially after the odd phone call she had with his wife.

"Who would say no to Baek Jinhee? Whatever she says, goes" they end their conversation before going separate ways.

Frowning her eyebrows, she think back at the older's words...

"Whatever she says, goes"

She won't deny that it's true that no one ever go against Baek Jinhee's words, especially when it comes to her husband's matters. Even so, she couldn't brush off the uneasy feeling as she really need to know whether Seokjin is okay.

"Does he really need a break?"

"Does he really need a break?"

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Knock! Knock!

"Seokjin..." he shivers underneath the cover when he hears her voice at the door.

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