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    The devils were really messing with me now. I should've known this would happen. Just when I thought we were making progress, something HAD to happen to throw us off. I swear the devils have it out for me. Everywhere I went, death and destruction followed me. I was far away from Farthenwood now, which was only visible as a tiny dot in the distance. I stopped suddenly, hearing horse hooves approaching with great speed. "Here we go again," I thought and sighed. I found the nearest bush to hide in and waited as the sound of hooves got louder and louder. As always, my first thought was to fight off whoever was coming, but I didn't want to make the situation worse or get myself nearly killed. Again. I could see the horse in the distance now. It was a beautiful white horse with a long silver mane. As the horse quickly approached my hiding spot, I ducked down, unable to see who was on the horse.
    "Hello? Who's there?" A voice demanded as the horse came to a sudden stop. There was no mistaking that voice. I knew exactly who it was.
    "Imogen?" I stepped out of the bush and looked up at her.
    "Jaron!" She exclaimed as she jumped off the horse and flew into my arms.
    "What are you doing here?" I asked quietly wrapping my arms around her. She looked up at me with a look of relief and tears streaming down her face.
    "I was so worried," she mumbled, "I thought you were hurt, or worse-". She stopped and held me tighter. "Nila cries almost every night for Roden and Harlowe. Tobias and Amarinda are trying their best to keep her busy. She's really taken to Amarinda, she must remind her of her mother."
    I pulled back and looked at her. "Dawn and Hazel were taken. It's dangerous for you to be traveling by yourself. Anyone connected to me is in danger."
    "Mott hasn't returned." Imogen rested her head on my shoulder. I inhaled sharply and she pulled her head up. "You need a doctor."
    "No, Roden and Serena need a doctor. I got off the best of the three of us. They're at Farthenwood right now. I was on my way to get help when you showed up."
    Imogen grinned. "I do tend to have good timing, don't I?"
    I smirked. "Meaning making me have to wait to ask you to marry me right after you basically resurrected from the dead and I was about to be hanged?"
    "Get up on the horse Jaron." Imogen helped me up and walked in front all the way to the nearest town. It was there the trouble really started.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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